The Giant Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Diet 99% Bamboo 1% small insects (usually living on bamboo) Apx. 20 to 45 lbs (9-20 kg) of bamboo shoots a day Pandas were being poached by humans but that’s the only predator they have.
Size Height: 2.5 feet (.8m) at shoulders. Length: 5 ft. (1.5m) (with a 6 inch (.2m) tail). Weight: Around 250 lbs. (113 kg) (males); around 220 lbs. (100 kg) (females). At birth, panda cubs typically weigh 4-8oz Lifespan years in captivity
Population Approximately 2,000 pandas are in the wild. By the end of 2006, there were a reported 180 pandas in captivity in China.
Where they live In the wild, they are found only in the mountains of central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu. Most live in zoos and panda habitats throughout the world.
Housing requirements Bamboo (food) Hallow trees, rocks, caves (shelter) Solitude (pandas are quite shy) Slides, rope swings, etc. -Pandas are very playful animals
Reproduction Mating Season: March-May. Gestation: 3-5 months. Litter size: 1-2 cubs. (only one will survive) Female pandas ovulate only once a year. They are fertile only two or three days of the year. More than half of newborn pandas die from diseases or from being accidentally crushed by their mothers They are born blind and practically immobile. Open eyes: 6 weeks mobile: 3 months weaned: 6 months independent after a year
Threats Restricted habitat and poor breeding are the main reasons behind the endagement of The Giant Panda. Another is poaching. – A panda fur is worth between $60,000 and $100,000 on the illegal trade market.
Conservation actions In China, the are listed under a category 1( maximum level of protection In 1963, forest reserves were created specifically for pandas. By 1990, 13 panda reserves had been created. Currently there are about 60.
Endangerment Information Added to the IUCN Red List in 1986 (considered rare) In 1990 they were declared as endangered The panda has been WWF's logo since their founding in 1961.
Interesting facts Pandas have the smallest offspring relative to their size Pandas have the smallest offspring relative to their size Pandas are very playful animals Pandas are very playful animals Pandas have lived on the earth for about 3 million years Pandas have lived on the earth for about 3 million years According to legend, the panda was once an all-white bear. When a small girl tried to save a panda cub from being attacked by a leopard, the leopard killed the girl instead. Pandas came to her funeral wearing armbands of black ashes. As they wiped their eyes, hugged each other, and covered the ears, they smudged the black ashes According to legend, the panda was once an all-white bear. When a small girl tried to save a panda cub from being attacked by a leopard, the leopard killed the girl instead. Pandas came to her funeral wearing armbands of black ashes. As they wiped their eyes, hugged each other, and covered the ears, they smudged the black ashes
Quick Quiz!
Question 1 (short answer) What are pandas main diet?
Question 2 (multiple choice) How many cubs do Pandas have in a litter? A. 1 or 2 B. 3 or 4 C. 5 or 6
Question 3 (short answer) Why do Pandas only allow one of their offspring to live?
Question 4 (true or false) Pandas have the smallest offspring relative to their size.
Question 5 (short answer) Why are pandas endangered? (3 answers)
Works cited