To use independent research and clips from the media to understand the causes of different types of pollution and offer possible solutions to these problems.
Grade C All will be able to describe the main types of pollution and their causes. Grade B Most will be able explain some possible solutions to the different types of pollution. Grade A/A* Some will be able to judge who or what is responsible for the state the world is in. Grade C All will be able to describe the main types of pollution and their causes. Grade B Most will be able explain some possible solutions to the different types of pollution. Grade A/A* Some will be able to judge who or what is responsible for the state the world is in.
Visit the different pictures stationed around the room. For each picture explain what is happening and what TYPE of pollution you think this is.
Now complete the column relating to the affects of pollution. How do you think each of the examples affect the environment and its inhabitants?
Fly Tipping/Litter LAND POLLUTION Can lead to poor growth of crops, loss of wildlife habitats and other types of pollution such as WATER POLLUTION
Oil spill WATER POLLUTION This includes the contamination of rivers, lakes and oceans. It affects the waters quality making harmful to both humans and animals.
Power stations AIR POLLUTION Affects the natural balance in the air. Can lead to ACID RAIN. Can cause SMOG. Can lead to breathing problems in humans and animals. Scientist believe air pollution causes GLOBAL WARMING.
Toxic Waste LAND POLLUTION Can cause huge health problems for humans and other wildlife. Lowers the soils fertility making it hard to grow food.
Deforestation LAND POLLUTION Takes away the earths natural resources leaving the earth barren.
Electrical waste WASTE POLLUTION Waste that cannot be recycled and is not bio-degradable. It takes up space, spreads disease and releases dangerous chemicals.
Congestion AIR POLLUTION Upsets natural balance of the air. Contributes to breathing problems such as asthma and is believed to contribute to the problem of GLOBAL WARMING.
Grade C All will be able to describe the main types of pollution and their causes. Grade C All will be able to describe the main types of pollution and their causes.
Just like in the Thames 21 project many people and organisations can help clean up pollution. However it would be better to PREVENT pollution in the first place…
Turn your book landscape and split your page into 4 as seen below… What can individuals do?What can the government do? What can businesses do? What can scientists do? POLLUTION Think – Pair – Share… Use the coloured card to help you with ideas for ONE of these sections and then feed back to the rest of the group
Use the following clip for ideas... Ri6Q
What can individuals do?What can the government do? What can businesses do?What can scientists do? POLLUTION Create less waste (REDUCE) REUSE items RECYCLE Buy products with less packaging Don’t waste energy (lights, heating etc..) Make recycling compulsory Make recycling easier (more bins etc…) Make strict anti-pollution laws (the UK have these) Severe penalties for people who pollute Support organisations like WWF Raise awareness Create less waste (REDUCE) Make company and employees energy efficient Use renewable energy resources Use cleaner fuels RECYCLE REUSE items Research ways of creating less waste Create ways of getting rid of waste more efficiently Research renewable energy resources.
Grade B Most will be able explain some possible solutions to the different types of pollution. Grade B Most will be able explain some possible solutions to the different types of pollution.
Think about pollution and its causes… Who/what do you think is responsible for the state the world is in? Is it… Humanity? The Government? Greed? Selfishness? Businesses? Past generations? Scientists? Young people? oTKw
“ Do you think we should do more to help the environment?” Give two reasons for your point of view (b, 4 marks)
How to answer... I think... because... For example... (or explanation) I also think... because... For example... (or explanation) 1 mark 2 mark 3 mark 4 marks
Swap with a partner and mark each others work in GREEN PEN The type of question is (b) and the marks for the question are (4). REMEMBER to mark each P and E in the margin – there should be two of each. Please comment – giving a POSITIVE and a TARGET
Grade A/A* Some will be able to judge who or what is responsible for the state the world is in. Grade A/A* Some will be able to judge who or what is responsible for the state the world is in.
Get into pairs. One must be the keeper the other the penalty taker. You will be selected to face each other. If the keeper saves the striker answers the question, if the striker scores the keeper has to answer. Get into pairs. One must be the keeper the other the penalty taker. You will be selected to face each other. If the keeper saves the striker answers the question, if the striker scores the keeper has to answer. Name 2 types of pollution. Name another 2 types of pollution What type of pollution is deforestation and hoe does it effect the environment? What type of pollution does congestion cause and how does this effect the environment? Name 2 things individuals can do to tackle the problem of pollution. Name one thing the government can do to tackle the problem of pollution Name one thing businesses and places of work can do to help tackle the problem of pollution. Name one thing scientists can do to help tackle the problem of pollution.