Kelsie & Luke Bio 1000 Water Use & Management and Water Pollution
What is water pollution? Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies, lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers, and groundwater. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water. In almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities.
It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases, and that is accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily. Water is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by anthropogenic contaminants and either does not support a human use, such as drinking water, and/or undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support its constituent biotic communities, such as fish. Natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of water.
How can we eliminate water pollution? Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary. This helps prevent water shortages and reduces the amount of contaminated water that needs treatment. Be careful about what you throw down your sink or toilet. Don’t throw paints, oils or other forms of litter down the drain. Use environmentally household products, such as washing powder, household cleaning agents and toiletries. Take great care not to overuse pesticides and fertilizers. This will prevent runoffs of the material into nearby water sources. By having more plants in your garden you are preventing fertilizer, pesticides and contaminated water from running off into nearby water sources. Don’t throw litter into rivers, lakes or oceans. Help clean up any litter you see on beaches or in rivers and lakes, make sure it is safe to collect the litter and put it in a nearby dustbin.
What is water conservation? Any beneficial reduction in water loss, use or waste as well as the preservation of water quality. A reduction in water use accomplished by implementation of water conservation or water efficiency measures; or, Improved water management practices that reduce or enhance the beneficial use of water.
Why is water conservation important? Water conservation is important because we need drinking water and we need some of the animals that live in water and things like that three fourth of earth consists of water, but only 3% of it is fresh water and only 1% is avalable. It is this fresh water that we need to drink, wash, irrigate farms etc. Fresh water, therefore, is very important for our survival. However, the fresh water level has started to drop across various countries. Regions like Southern California are facing problems of water shortage. Hence water conservation is necessary to safeguard this fresh water from drying up completely. There are various ways of conserving water... Install a low flow toilet and shower head Reuse grey water from kitchen and bathroom to water your garden / lawn Fix leaking faucets and sprinklers Turn off faucets while brushing your teeth
What are types of pollution? Air Pollution Water Pollution Land Pollution Noise Pollution Radioactive Pollution Thermal Pollution
Who is water pollution harmful to? Virtually all types of water pollution are harmful to the health of humans and animals. Water pollution may not damage our health immediately but can be harmful after long term exposure. Different forms of pollutants affect the health of animals in different ways: Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers. These are toxic to marine life such as fish and shellfish, and subsequently to the humans who eat them. Heavy metals can slow development; result in birth and some are carcinogen. Industrial waste often contains many toxic compounds that damage the health of aquatic animals and those who eat them. Some of the toxins in industrial waste may only have a mild effect whereas others can be fatal. They can cause immune suppression, reproductive failure or acute poisoning.