1. Arrive on time Move between classes as quickly as possible Line up outside classroom until instructed to enter Arrive to school on time both in the morning and at lunchtime
2. Remove outdoor clothing when asked All outdoor clothing should be removed and placed on back of chair* Be ready to pay attention Wear sensible clothing to school dependent on the weather conditions * At teacher’s discretion
3. Come prepared Homework diaries should be placed on desk at start of lesson Pens, pencils and text books should be placed on desk at start of lesson Bring PE kit and HE items on the days they are needed.
4. Follow instructions Be seated as quickly as possible when entering the classroom Listen carefully and follow instructions from your teacher as directed
5. Do your best Set yourself regular learning targets Try to ensure you give quality work at all times
6. No chewing Chewing gum/sweets are not allowed in any classroom If asked to empty your mouth do so appropriately
7. All mobile technologies must be off * * unless the teacher has given instructions otherwise All mobile technologies must be switched off before entering the classroom Mobile handsets must be handed to the classroom teacher if requested
8. Respect others Treat others as you would expect to be treated in the school Be a good ambassador for Ayr Academy, both in the school and in the community
9. Respect your environment Take pride in your school environment Use litter bins provided both inside and outside the school There should be no graffiti on jotters, desks or anywhere within the school community
10. Take responsibility for your own learning Know your learning targets in each curricular area. Report any difficulties/ask for help if you need it. Meet all deadlines for homework or other pieces of work.