Council Spending Proposals 2009/10 Terry Rogers Executive Councillor for Finance
Proposed Spending - Revenue £M% Gross Revenue Spending % Specific Grants (mainly benefits) % Fees and charges % Recharges (mainly to capital)- 2.23% Interest- 1.22% Net Spending23.4 Funded by: Government Grant % Use of Reserves- 3.85% Council Tax %
Proposed Spending - Revenue £M Refuse and Recycling4.4Community Initiatives0.9 Public Conveniences0.3Parks & Countryside2.5 Environmental Health including Energy Efficiency 2.6Leisure4.0 Street Cleaning & Litter1.4CCTV0.8 Development Control1.4Community Safety0.3 Building Control0.3Housing4.8 Planning Policy & Conservation (including A14 Inquiry) 1.6Transportation1.2 Business & Enterprise Support0.3Public Transport0.8 Industrial, Commercial and Office Units -1.1Car Parks-0.4 Town Centre Management0.2Environmental Improvements0.4 Tourism0.2
Proposed Spending - Capital £M Public Conveniences0.2 Public Transport 1.0 Economic Development3.8 Car Parks 0.1 Parks and Open Spaces0.6 Environmental Improvements 0.8 Joint Leisure Centres5.4 Operations Division 0.7 Community Facilities0.1 Offices 5.0 Community Safety0.1 IT related 1.0 Private Housing Support 3.2 Other 0.7 Transportation Strategy0.5
Council Tax Level Huntingdonshire £115 Average £160
Interest plus Borrowing Costs
SPENDING PRESSURES Public and Government expectations Lost income due to the recession High inflation on some unavoidable spending (e.g. electricity and gas) Growing population Government grant not keeping pace with inflation on Council services The threat of capping despite a very low Council Tax Government withholding Grant
WHAT DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD DO? Should we increase charges for services wherever possible, for example car parking and leisure centres? Should we introduce charges for services that are currently free and, if so, which ones? Are there services that we could reduce or end? Should we just increase the Council Tax, if the Government will let us?
Business Rates The Government has decided: On a 5% Rate rise for 2009/10 There will be temporary relief on Empty Property Rates if RV < £15k for 2009/10 There will be a revaluation for April 2010