Title How does litter effect plant growth?
Description Our project is just growing plants with different types of every day litter in our plants like wrappers, news paper, soda cans, and cigarette butts
Question Does litter effect plant growth?
Hypothesis I predict that the cigarette butts will die before the other plants
Materials 6 Cups 6 Plates 6 seeds Water 1 window 1 magic marker for name of type of litter Bags News paper Cans Candy wrappers Cigarette butts Window sill Sun light Three weeks dirt
Procedures 1. Collect the litter and chop up to pieces. 2. Get 6 plants for experiment and get litter, mix it up with soil. 3. Put in pots with plants. 4. Measure plant growth how it effect plants. 5. Record the data how plants won’t grow first.
Photos and video from project This is our project setup This is our project in 4-5 days
Community connection project Why spend more money on expensive dirt for your precious garden why not just chop up some plastic bags and fill half of your pot with plastic bags the other half with dirt and mix it up what ever is in the plastic bags it helps plants grow!!!!:)
THE END Hope you liked the slide !!!!