All Aboard ! Animal Kingdom Mrs. Clark’s 1 st Grade Class
Chipmunks by: Zane Have you ever seen a chipmunks? You should read about my animal. They live in trees. They are brown with black strips on their backs. It’s cheeks are puffy. Chipmunks eat grass and nuts. City Chipmunks eat food like pizza from the trash can. There main food is berries. All chipmunks are born in May. Chipmunks communicate with bird sounds.
Hermit Crabs By Molly Have you ever seen a Hermit crab? You should read about my animal. Most Hermit Crabs live on the beach. Also, a Hermit Crab lives in a shell. Hermit crabs eat human food like fruits and vegetables. Also, Hermit crabs live to be 15 years old. Hermit crabs like to live with other Hermit crabs.
Diplodocus by Gracie Have you ever seen a Diplodocus? It had a long neck and tail. Diplodocus was 90 feet and 27 meters long. It lived in herds. It lived 150 million years ago in North America. Diplodocus ate plants near the ground. It ate food like bushes, leaves, grass and tree leaves. Diplodocus means “double – beamed”. Diplodocus did not lay eggs in a nest. It laid eggs on the ground as it walked.
Chihuahuas by Jenna Have you ever seen a Chihuahua? You should read about my animal. They are interesting. Chihuahuas are dogs that have short or long hair. They have black, brown, white, cream, and tan fur. Chihuahuas care for each other. They live for 12 to 15 years. They shiver when they are excited or cold. They eat dog food, dog treats, dog bones and play with squeaky toy s Have you ever seen a Chihuahua? You should read about my animal. They are interesting. Chihuahuas are dogs that have short or long hair. They have black, brown, white, cream, and tan fur. Chihuahuas care for each other. They live for 12 to 15 years. They shiver when they are excited or cold. They eat dog food, dog treats, dog bones and play with squeaky toy s.
Turtles By Elyse Have you ever seen a turtle? You should read about my animal! They are exciting! During cold, cold, cold, cold winters, they live in burrows! Turtles are 8 feet (2.4 meters) long. The Turtles eat insects, grass, leaves and fish. They crunch with the hard edges of their mouths. Some Turtles live up to 150 years. Turtle’s have about 60 different burrows.
LIONS by Keifer Doung Have you ever seen a Lion. You Should read my animal. They are dangerous. I know Lions are wildcats. Male Lions have manes around their necks. I know Lions live in Africa and Asia. All Lions eat warthogs, zebras, wildebeest and gazelles. Lions weight about 500 pounds. All lion can jump about up to 40 feet 12 meters.
Leopards By Casey Have you ever seen a Leopards you should read about my animal. They are dangerous. They are fast. You will see them in the jungle. They like to eat deer and bird. They live to 15 to 20 years old. Leopard are good swimmers.
Cats By Alexis Have you ever seen a cats ? You should read about my animal. They are sweet! Cats can weigh 6 to 15 pounds. Cats should live indoors. Cats can live 12 to 20 years old. Cats eat catnip too. Cats are the popular pets.
Cheetahs By Jasper Have you ever seen a cheetah? You should read about my animal. They are interesting. Cheetahs are 7 feet. Cheetahs live in Africa and Asia. Cheetahs speed help them catch food. Cheetahs live up to 10 to 12 yeas. Cheetahs are the most fastest land animals.
German Shepherds by Jake hays Have you seen a germen shepherd? You should read about my animal. They are cool. German shepherds are between 55 and 95 pounds. A germen shepherds habitat is mostly homes. they eat dog food. A female germen shepherd gives birth to a litter of puppies. Shepherds are often used by police.
Komodo Dragons by Josh Have you ever seen a Komodo Dragon? They live on Komodo island. Komodo Dragons are usually gray,brown,or green. Komodo Dragons eat any animal they can find. Hatchlings live in trees to stay safe. Komodo dragons are the world`s largest lizards.
Rattlesnakes By Kyle Have you seen a Rattlesnakes! You should read about my animal. They are dangerous! They are 2 to 8 feet. They live in `dry deserts. They eat rats, lizards, birds and other small animals. They can live up to 30 years old. There rattle can be heard up to 60 feet away!
Bunnies by Olivia Have you seen a rabbit. You should read about my animal Rabbits have soft fur. Rabbits live in a large cage. Rabbits need fresh water. A rabbit can have 4 or 15 babies. Baby rabbits are called kits.
Clown Fish By Ferris Marie Have you ever seen a Clown Fish? You should read about my animal. They are exciting! Clown Fish are orange and they have white stripes. They live in sea anemones in coral reefs. Clown fish eat fish parts. The coral reef is where clown fish lay their eggs. Female Clown fish can lay 1,000 eggs at a time. A clown fish’s scales protect it from the stings of a sea anemone.
Arabian Horses by Sarah Have you ever seen an Arabian Horse? They live on a farm in a barn. They weigh about 1,000 pounds. Baby horses drink milk from their moms. They are know as the best horse to use in long distance races.
Great White Sharks by Cade Have you ever seen a Great White Shark? You should read about my animal. They are dangerous. Great White Sharks are 20 feet (6 meters) long. They are found world wide mostly in cold water. Great White Sharks hunt seals, sea lion and dolphins. They live for about 25 years! Great White Sharks have more than 3,000 teeth.
Golden Retrievers by: Annie Have you ever seen a golden retriever? You should read about my animal. They are nice! They usually live in a backyard. They are 55 to75 hands wide. They are hunting dogs too. They weigh 55to75 or more pounds. They eat dog food.
Cobras By Wills Have you ever seen a cobra? You should read about my animal. They are dangerous! Cobras can be up to 18 feet long. They have sharp fangs. Many cobras live in hot areas. King cobras only eat other snake. Baby cobras can double their length in one year.
Golden Retrievers By: Cole Have you ever seen a Golden Retriever? You should read about my animal. They are exciting! They weigh 55 to 75 pounds. Golden Retrievers are good pets that live in some homes. Golden Retrievers eat dog biscuits, dog food and dog treats. Female Golden Retrievers have litters of puppies. Golden Retrievers are mostly used as guide dogs.
Bulldogs by William Have you ever seen a Bulldog? You should read about bulldogs. They are cute. Bulldogs they are short and fat. They live in brick houses with people. They eat dog food. Dogs eat bones. They live about 7 to 9 years. Bulldogs snore.
Tyrannosaurus Rex by Will I bet you have never seen a T-Rex. You should read about it. It is so dangerous. A Tyrannosaurus rexes is huge. It lived in the woodlands. It’s long strong legs make it fast enough to catch prey. Did you know Tyrannosaurus rexes means “king tyrant reptile”.
The End Thank you for coming!