Air Pollution
Acid Rain: Smog, a toxic canopy over the environment, has caused a breakdown in the circular process of healthy plant life. Caused by smoke in the air to mix with rain from the air that can harm plant life and human life. Low Birth Rates: Low birth rates caused by women living in polluted indoor air environments during pregnancy can cause the infants to have brain damage or even causing of death. Health Issues: It is caused by an radioactive gas that is released from the earth, can negatively affect overall health. Chronic bronchitis, cancer, fatigue and other health issues associated with outdoor exposure is another environmental effect of air pollution. Cars: Cars are one of the main reason why our planet is polluted. It pollutes our planet by all of the gas that is decomposed from the cars that make it rise into our atmosphere. We can save our planet by riding bikes and using a solar car that gets its energy from the sun.
Do not litter Keep your environment safe Pick up trash Stop the factories Don’t burn items Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Don’t smoke Don’t throw trash on the ground Don’t throw wastes in sewers Ride bikes instead of cars Try to use cars that get there energy from the sun
By Greta
Snakes, such as Burmese pythons, boa constrictors, and anacondas, that are not common in the South Florida region, have been released into the Everglades when they became unwanted pets. Pythons and other big snakes thrive in the humid environment of the Everglades. These reptiles are destroying the food chain by hunting raccoons, opossums, bobcats, and birds. This constant hunting has almost wiped these species out of the Everglades. Up to 17 foot long pythons have been captured in the park. Their population is growing rapidly and their prey is vanishing in the Everglades.
A federal ban has been placed on the importing of Burmese pythons and other large snakes to the United States. We could… Inform snake owners they are not allowed to release their snakes into the Everglades. Have rangers try to capture the snakes loose in the area, and try to repopulate the species being hunted.
Extinction of Bird Species Due to Humans By Katie
Extinction of Birds Due to Humans The extinction of birds due to humans is a rather large difficulty today. Our pollution, deforestation, and use for food has destroyed both the habitats of birds and the birds themselves. Many species of birds have been wiped out that we never got too see. They could have been useful to us, perhaps even holding the secret of the cure to cancer, or something like that.
What We Can Do We can help stop the decrease and eventual extinction of birds species by: –M–Monitoring the yearly population of bird species –N–Not killing endangered birds in large amounts for food –K–Keeping oil out of the water and –M–Making sure that we do not litter and our trash is properly disposed of.
Air Pollution Air pollution is caused by cars, trucks, and factories. Pollution causes pollution two things, global warming and destroying the ozone. We can help by car pooling. SAVE THE EARTH.
Pollution Pollution in big cities
Pollution is bad. Help save the world!
By: Matt R
Water pollution is a huge problem all over the world. It is the contamination of water. Water pollution affects not only our water systems, but it can also hurt people and animals.
Pollution of our water can also cause part of our global warming. When fertilizer is dumped into lakes and oceans, algae rapidly produces, and the algae produces carbon dioxide. This causes the green house effect to be stronger because of that carbon dioxide that was produced.
People need to stop dumping our waste into lakes, rivers and oceans. We also need to clean our oceans. We need to have more safety procedures on oil rigs, so that the oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico does not repeat its self, for the spill killed countless animals and had horrible affects on our environment.
Ocean Pollution Noelle
The Problem A lot of beach closings are issued because water quality monitoring revealed bacteria levels exceeding health and safety standards. The most common cause of water pollution is dumping of garbage and waste in the ocean. Littering is one of the biggest problems on the beaches. There is contamination from bacteria and viruses found in sewage. Industries and factories also cause the pollution in the form of chemical runoffs and spills. We recently just had an oil spill a few years ago. They are still working hard to try and clean it up. Other toxic metals, acids, and salts are dumped into the bodies of water from factories. Pollution can have a dramatic impact on aquatic species, such as complete elimination and endangerment.
Polluted Beach Here is an example of a polluted beach, we can work together to make the difference and make it safe for everyone.