Intro to Grant-Seeking Presented by Bess de Farber Library Grants Manager George A. Smathers Libraries University of Florida February 09,
Workshop Objectives 1. Provide context 2. Build understanding about the funding community 3. Increase knowledge of pitfalls 4. Establish common thinking and practices 5. Create impetus for developing grant proposals collaboratively 2
What’s the question you want the funder to ask? Will you MARRY ME? 3
What is a grant application? Presents Business plan Denotes image Defines friends and partners Provides assessment of organizational capacity 4
What is grants management? The effective administration and oversight of: 1. Researching prospects 2. Deciding on likely matches for program or applicant 3. Matching a program to a specific grantmaker using research and interview techniques 4. Matching a dollar amount to a funder’s history 5. Knowing or learning about the grant reviewers 6. Determining how to “create the best movie” for all the grant reviewers 7. Knowing what to do when the application is funded or rejected 8. Ensuring that the completion of the funded program is as positive an experience for the funder as the day the grant application was chosen to be funded. 5
What is grant writing? What is grant writing? Grant writing is the art and science of developing granting relationships with funder, by: 1. converting a mental image picture of a fundable program and organization; 2. using words and financial figures that communicate efficiently and effectively the intent of the applicant organization; 3. requesting specific funds for specific purposes, to be used sometime in the future. 6
PUBLIC FUNDERS Generally make larger awards Reliable for long-term Information available to public Established process, format, timetable Large staff Public meetings Accountable to public officials Process is very time consuming Involves more reporting and evaluation Doesn’t generally take risks with new ideas Restrictions on use of funds 7
PRIVATE FUNDERS Awards generally smaller Mostly fund 1 year projects Info not public Processes, proposal formats and timetables may or not be established Very few staff - sometimes no paid staff Most have policies that target local community Process is simpler and more flexible Reporting/evaluation requirements are lenient More likely to invest in new or innovative ideas Likely to be flexible: funding for various expenses 8
CORPORATE FUNDERS Usually require “give” “get” agreements Foundations may behave as private corporations Funding for fund-raising events Funding for special events Funding for marketing Multiple “buckets” to choose from In-kind usually part of the package 9
Who is the funder? (one size does not fit all) What organizations or programs have been funded? What is the range of funding? What is the funder’s focus now? What was is it the past? What language does the funder use to describe funding practices/interests? How can you get a copy of what has been funded? Who can you talk to? What is their role? Are you ready to ask your questions? Who makes the decisions? Who are the board members or funding stakeholders? What is the funder’s history within the community? How does the funder like to be treated? 10
ASSESSMENT FOR READINESS What is the deadline? What is the grant period? Do we have enough time to prepare and package? Do we have enough information? Who needs to approve the proposal? What’s the cost/benefit analysis? Can we stay on mission if we get the award? How will this change the way we operate? Can we deliver expected results? What are the benefits if we don’t get funded? 11
FAQs in Grant Applications Summarize the proposed program What is the need to be addressed? How was the need determined? What intended outcomes do you hope to achieve during the grant period? What other organizations have you consulted or planned with to develop program? 12
FAQs in Grant Applications What are the proposed program activities? Who will deliver services? What is the timeline for activities? What is the method and schedule for measuring results? Who will be served? How did you determine your market? How will you market your program? Who are your past partners and what have you accomplished? What was your past “season” program? What have been your past results? Numbers? 13
SAMPLE ATTACHMENTS Organization history Biographies or resumes of staff and artists Newspaper articles Letters of Support Sample brochures, programs, promotions Marketing plan Organizational chart Outcomes Chart IRS letter of determination Timeline of events (past 3 years) List of Board of Directors In-Kind Contributions Project Budget Previous year’s actual financial results Certified Audit Executive Director’s Letter 14
APPLICANT PROTOCOL Treat funder like a client or investor (all in office) Communicate: especially when things are not working or working beyond expectation Funders are people too, they have seen and heard it all before Invite and show up Pay attention Share info and be helpful Don’t ever get defensive Mediate, negotiate, facilitate ASK more often than tell 15
Your Questions What else do you want to know? 16