WELCOME Reminders: Please mute your device once you join the call Remember to raise your hands for questions or write a message in text box We will give everyone a chance to ask questions at the end of the presentation 3
WELCOME Reminders: If you are using more than one device for this webinar, please do not place next to each other, to reduce echoing or feedback. Make sure your speakers are turned on. 4
THE PURPOSE OF THIS WEBINAR Introduce participants to the different types of grants that may be available How to put a grant together Share each state’s experience in grant writing 5
PRESENTERS Richard Chapman OCSS staff 6
POLL QUESTION Has your self advocacy group written and was awarded a grant in the past? 7
HOW FLORIDA DID IT! The Tao of Grant Writing To support creative and effective grant applications & proposals for Self-Advocacy Groups in Florida and beyond. 10
WORDS TO REMEMBER Federal Deficit: the amount by which the government’s total budget outlays exceeds its total receipts for a fiscal year.—US Senate Budget CommitteeUS Senate Budget Committee 11
WORDS TO REMEMBER Philanthropic: Doing something for the good of the community, serving people or places that need help to become a stronger community 12
WORDS TO REMEMBER Umbrella organizations: an organization that supports another organization in writing and managing the money received from grants. 13
WORDS TO REMEMBER Match requirement: some grants require an in-kind contribution of the grant. Examples include: volunteer time from staff; community volunteers; office equipment and supplies; donations… 14
WORDS TO REMEMBER Demographics and statistics is information about a population (people) that includes: gender, age, ethnicity, knowledge of languages, disabilities,, mobility, home ownership, employment status, education, location in a city or state 15
WORDS TO REMEMBER Lessening resources is the making or becoming less in available supports (supplies, materials, money, people, staff) 16
WORDS TO REMEMBER A Person who Delegates gives another person a task or activity to do 17
THIS IS WHAT FLORIDA ASKED With our challenged economy, is it even worth trying to get your project funded? Are people still winning grants? 18
CHALLENGES TO GRANT SEEKERS Less than favorable economic situation for America and for most of the developing/developed countries Many natural disasters taking away funding for social services. Gigantic Federal Deficit Lessening resources for local and state governments 19
WHERE TO FIND GRANTS Local Corporate Local Philanthropic Local Arts Council County Bed Tax (CVB) County School Board Juvenile Justice/Prevention State: FDDC State Humanities Council State VSA Arts Organization Foundations Government – local, state, national/federal 20
WRITING A GRANT – PLAN OF ATTACK You can hire a grant writer Read the grant Guidelines Download required software Register with the funder, if required Request letters of support Locate and request demographic information and statistics 21
GRANT WRITING Decide on the target audience What will be the outcomes and end result Where and when will the activities will take place 22
GRANT BUDGET Budgets (they will take you longer than you think) Map out activities Ask other groups how much it cost to complete an activity Does your organization have the resources? Are matching funds required? 23
TIPS ON WRITING A GRANT Organize, including time-table Use lists and bullets where possible Answer all narrative questions clearly Always sacrifice ghost or unnecessary words for space limit Delegate sections of the grant to others Edit, Edit, Edit Have someone else edit & proof 24
SUPPORTED MATERIAL Use graphics and images Everything must be current and relevant Support from a variety of stakeholders evident in current letters Samples of evaluation tools and reports 25
STATE QUESTIONS What grants have you written? What was the purpose of the grant? Who was the funder of the grant? Did the staff of your self advocacy organization write or did someone else write the grant for you? Was you grant funded? If not, do you know why it was not funded? Was the grant proposal based on your strategic plan? 27
ALABAMA COMMENTS What grants have you written? What was the purpose of the grant? Who was the funder of the grant? Did the staff of your self advocacy organization write or did someone else write the grant for you? Was you grant funded? If not, do you know why it was not funded? Was the grant proposal based on your strategic plan? 28
ARKANSAS COMMENTS What grants have you written? What was the purpose of the grant? Who was the funder of the grant? Did the staff of your self advocacy organization write or did someone else write the grant for you? Was you grant funded? If not, do you know why it was not funded? Was the grant proposal based on your strategic plan? 29
FLORIDA COMMENTS What grants have you written? What was the purpose of the grant? Who was the funder of the grant? Did the staff of your self advocacy organization write or did someone else write the grant for you? Was you grant funded? If not, do you know why it was not funded? Was the grant proposal based on your strategic plan? 30
GEORGIA COMMENTS What grants have you written? What was the purpose of the grant? Who was the funder of the grant? Did the staff of your self advocacy organization write or did someone else write the grant for you? Was you grant funded? If not, do you know why it was not funded? Was the grant proposal based on your strategic plan? 31
OKLAHOMA COMMENTS What grants have you written? What was the purpose of the grant? Who was the funder of the grant? Did the staff of your self advocacy organization write or did someone else write the grant for you? Was you grant funded? If not, do you know why it was not funded? Was the grant proposal based on your strategic plan? 32
NORTH CAROLINA COMMENTS What grants have you written? What was the purpose of the grant? Who was the funder of the grant? Did the staff of your self advocacy organization write or did someone else write the grant for you? Was you grant funded? If not, do you know why it was not funded? Was the grant proposal based on your strategic plan? 33
SOUTH CAROLINA COMMENTS What grants have you written? What was the purpose of the grant? Who was the funder of the grant? Did the staff of your self advocacy organization write or did someone else write the grant for you? Was you grant funded? If not, do you know why it was not funded? Was the grant proposal based on your strategic plan? 34
TENNESSEE COMMENTS What grants have you written? What was the purpose of the grant? Who was the funder of the grant? Did the staff of your self advocacy organization write or did someone else write the grant for you? Was you grant funded? If not, do you know why it was not funded? Was the grant proposal based on your strategic plan? 35
Free Resource Available to Download: Visual-Guide-To-A-Team-Grant-Writing-Plan.pdf Visual-Guide-To-A-Team-Grant-Writing-Plan.pdf 36
Free Resource Available Funders Toolkit toolkit.pdf Self Advocacy Grants ToolkitAllies in Self Advocacy to be available at Toolkit toolkit.pdf Self Advocacy Grants ToolkitAllies in Self Advocacy to be available at 37
DATES TO REMEMBER 2 nd Video Blog (Vlog) Turn in your state plan Progress report of your State Plan Due August 31, 2014 Last payment for year 1 will be in September
Next OCSS Webinars 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 p.m. CST Webinar datesTopic Tuesday August 26, 2014 Keeping Grants Date to be determinedHow to Use Blogs 41
OCSS Next Meeting SABE 2014 Conference Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Saturday, October 11, :00-4:00 42
THANK YOU! Regional Self Advocacy Technical Assistance Center Funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities 43