S USTAINABILITY PLANNING AND FUNDRAISING PSO Workshop - Sustainability August 1st, 2013 at 9:45AM
1. What is sustainability planning? 2. What does a sustainable program look like? 3. Your role as a VISTA 4. Fundraising a) Grant research and grant- writing b) Local funding: community foundations and local businesses c) Public funding streams d) Individuals e) Points to remember 2
Sustainability planning is the planning process resulting in a more strategic approach to thinking about sustainability and involved action steps most often related to diversifying funding streams, assessing partnerships and focusing on strong program outcomes to strengthen future funding applications. 3
4 1. A sustainable YouthBuild program has diverse, enduring partnerships that offer a broad range of sources of support. 2.A sustainable YouthBuild program remains true to its mission and constantly tries to find new ways to better carry out that mission. 3.A sustainable YouthBuild program is visible in its community 4.A sustainable YouthBuild program allows itself to be helped by others. 5.A sustainable YouthBuild program can grow in size and quality to meet the needs of its community and supporters.
5 Entering donor base, track sustainability activities, get grants and letters out the door Researching for grants Writing grants and solicitations Planning events Managing the database, statistics and successes Building relationships Others?
6 o While YouthBuild itself is a single program, our work helps the broader community achieve many goals, including: educating young people supervising at-risk youth assuring public safety training new workers increasing the stock of affordable housing revitalizing neighborhoods preparing young people for post-secondary education performing community service developing community leaders
7 Once you have both an idea and a funding source, your first step should be research. Use a template or worksheet to gather information. YouthBuild USA’s Prospect Worksheet Keep track of your information! Who have you researched, when are their deadlines, what do they fund, etc. What tools have you used to do grant research?
8 GuideStar ( Create an account for free Any organization that gives grants must be on file here Check their 990 Tax Form to see past grant information Example: 990 Tax Form Foundation Center ( Some free searching at their website Also search for 990 Forms Public libraries and local government centers Boston Public Library has free access to the Foundation Center database – all you need is a library card! Don’t forget: Google!
9 Communication tool between the funder and the applicant Common for Public Grants (from government sources) RFP provides guidelines for grant submission and must be followed carefully If there’s an RFP, there might be information sessions. If there are, you should go! Make sure your idea/project really fits the RFP
10 Possible formats for submitting your request: Introduction Letter Usually around 1 page Letter of Inquiry Usually 2-3 pages Usually asks some budget information Full Application Could be anything!
11 o Once you have found a local source such as a local business or organization that supports your mission: Establish a personal relationship with the agency: make an appointment to visit the program officer, set up a tour of your program- tour the classroom and work site, set up interviews with staff and participants Get letters of support from people/agencies the funder knows and respects
12 o Federal Funding: Beyond the Department of Labor o How many federal agencies award grants? 26 o How do I find out about new funding opportunities? Agency for International Development Corporation for National and Community Service Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Defense Department of Education Department of Energy Department of Health and Human Services Department of Homeland Security Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of the Interior Department of Justice Department of Labor Department of State Department of Transportation Department of the Treasury Department of Veterans Affairs Environmental Protection Agency Institute of Museum and Library Sciences National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Archives and Records Administration National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities National Science Foundation Small Business Administration Social Security Administration
13 State and Local Elected Officials: State Senate and Assembly Members Local Mayors State and Local Agencies: Community / Housing Development Education Juvenile Justice Health / Human Services Youth and Families City Managers, City Council Members
14 * The Annual Report on Philanthropy, published by the AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy (
15 Developing Your Sustainability Strategy Achieving Sustainability at a YouthBuild Program: Identifying, Securing and Renewing Financial Support (available on the YBUSA Knowledge Bank at bank/achieving-sustainability-youthbuild-program-identifying- securing-and-renewing-finan-0) bank/achieving-sustainability-youthbuild-program-identifying- securing-and-renewing-finan-0 Sustainability for YouthBuild Programs (available on the YBUSA Knowledge Bank at bank/sustainability-youthbuild-programs) bank/sustainability-youthbuild-programs Identifying and Researching Funding Sources Federal Grant Opportunities: The Foundation Center: Grant Station: GuideStar:
16 YouthBuild Program Federal Grants Private Foundations Fundraising Events Individual Donors Sustainability is not just fundraising, it is… You can have many roles as a VISTA There are different types of funding Research funders that support and share the same mission and values as your program Follow through and apply regardless of how daunting it may seem, it will all pay off!!!
17 Questions?
18 Contact information: Paul Nelson YouthBuild USA 58 Day Street 3 rd floor Somerville, MA 02144