Coordinated Assessment ROANOKE COC Meeting Council Of Community Services August 20, 2013
2 Why Coordinated Assessment? Coordinated assessment is a powerful tool for improving system-wide entry, assessment, and referral processes. Process components include: Access point(s) – virtual or specific site location Screening and assessment process (prevent/divert/admit) Information about available services and programs Real-time knowledge about program inventory and capacity Referral and waitlist management Enrollment/admission decision criteria
3 Why Coordinated Assessment? Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System Access HUD is requiring that all CoCs establish and operate a centralized or coordinated assessment system to conduct an initial, comprehensive assessment of the housing and services needs for all people entering the homeless assistance system. HUD notes that these systems should be designed in response to local needs and conditions and should include use of a locally-designed, common assessment tool. CoCs are required under the interim regulation to develop a specific policy on how the coordinated assessment system will address the needs of people fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence. 3
4 Why Coordinated Assessment? In addition, CoCs will be required to develop and follow written standards for how they plan to administer assistance through coordinated assessment. CoCs must develop standards for providing assistance including: Evaluating eligibility for assistance; Prioritizing who receives transitional housing; Prioritizing who receives rapid re-housing; Determining what percentage or amount of rent people receiving rapid re-housing must pay; Prioritizing people for permanent supportive housing; and If designated as an HPC, prioritizing who receives homelessness prevention assistance. 4
5 Why Coordinated Assessment? Designed to improve the following: Service Provision Referral appropriateness Assessment time Assessment consistency Placement time Multi-provider coordination Service access Data Accuracy and Access Individual tracking System monitoring Resource allocation - planning Reporting
6 Why Coordinated Assessment? Experience with the Rapid Re-Housing Demonstration (RRHD) and HPRP Four years of evidence Improvements in as little as one year Can help end chronic homelessness Different models, same core principles Improvements for all demographics
7 Why Coordinated Assessment? The HEARTH Act regulations Incorporated lessons from RRHD and HPRP ESG requirements CoC requirements Start planning today
8 Coordinated Assessment Defined Coordinated Assessment A standardized access and assessment process for all clients and A coordinated referral process for clients to receive prevention, housing, and/or other related services.
9 Coordinated Assessment Defined Questions CoC Systems Should Be Asking: “What housing and service assistance strategy is best for each household of the several services available?”
10 Flowchart – ROANOKE COC Access Assessment Assign Mainstream Services Standardized Access and Assessment Coordinated Referral
11 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Coordinated systems can serve all demographics
12 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Various models, standardized process Single Point of Access Multi-Site Coordinated No Wrong Door Assessment Hotline Intake Access Standardized Access and Assessment
13 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Meet client, provider, and funder needs Document client’s homeless history and housing barriers Match client to appropriate service Capture data to meet program needs Assessment Standardized Access and Assessment
14 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Meet client, provider, and funder needs Capture data to meet funder requirements Obtain consent for sharing with providers Create the beginning of a client’s housing plan Assessment Standardized Access and Assessment
15 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Access Assessment Coordinated Referral Assign Mainstream Services Standardized Access and Assessment
16 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Mainstream Services Standardized Access and Assessment Access Mainstream Services Assessment Coordinated Referral Assign
17 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Qualities of a good referral system Accurate: Matches client needs Informed: Matches facility availability Effective: Provider accepts and enrolls Coordinated Referral Assign
18 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Qualities of a good referral system Standard: One process, all clients and services Comprehensive: all funder and provider fields Digital: Uses HMIS, two-way communication Coordinated Referral Assign
19 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Qualities of a good referral system Mandatory: Every provider, all the time Coordinated Referral Assign
20 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Access Assessment Coordinated Referral Assign Mainstream Services Standardized Access and Assessment
21 Flowchart- ROANOKE COC Coordinated assessment leverages mainstream services Client level Information sharing System-wide information sharing Resource sharing and co-location Comprehensive community planning Mainstream Services
22 Preparing for Coordinated Assessment 22
23 Preparing for Coordinated Assessment Homeless Helper Finding Resources shelter or other services Food Medical Employment Legal Social Services Other
24 Street Outreach improve Intake Time and Data Quality 24
25 Preparing for Coordinated Assessment 25
26 For More Information… HUDHRE Centralized Intake/HPRP Report: ralizedIntake.pdf ralizedIntake.pdf HUDHRE HEARTH Page: HUDHRE Virtual Help Desk:
27 Questions? Tommy Phillips – Pathways Community Network- HMIS CoC Team – HMIS TeamROANOKE COC