National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) Data-PASS/NDIIPP: A new effort to harvest our history A funder view May 25, 2005 Caroline Arms Library of Congress
May2005NDIIPP2 NDIIPP Legislation and Funding Created by federal legislation in December 2000 Instructions from legislators for Library of Congress to work with others Intent is to support preservation of significant “born-digital” content that is at risk $ for planning + $ that must be matched Meetings of experts, commissioned studies Leading to plan, approved December 2002
May2005NDIIPP3 NDIIPP is a portfolio of programs Library’s actions to be: –Catalytic –Collaborative –Iterative –Strategic Three areas of focus –Network of preservation partners –Architectural framework for preservation –Digital preservation research
May2005NDIIPP4 Network of Preservation Partners LC is providing resources and leadership Primary outcomes for partnerships: –Identify and preserve significant at-risk content –Leverage resources & experience via collaboration –Promote standards and best practices –Learn how to build and sustain partnerships Represented here are two projects from initial partnership program –Social science data and geospatial data
May2005NDIIPP5 Initial NDIIPP Partnership Program Competition 8 awards announced in September 2004 Kick-off meeting in January 2005 Individual LC staff as liaison to each project Partners collect/preserve content, collaborate with LC and each other 3 year term, report to Congress
May2005NDIIPP6 Partnerships Differ Vary in nature of partnership Vary in content scope In addition to those represented here –Another consortium collecting geospatial data –Dot-com era business records –Public television stations (high-definition digital TV) –Six universities from south-eastern U.S., institutional holdings of materials relating to southern culture –Heterogeneous digital content for which partners are responsible (includes harvesting state government sites) –Government and political content harvested from web
May2005NDIIPP7 Activity across projects Meeting twice a year Identify and act on cross-cutting issues ‘Affinity groups’ formed –Selection and Collection – appraisal & tools –Rights – involvement of U.S. Copyright Office –Technical Architecture –Economic Sustainability Who pays? Economics and incentives
May2005NDIIPP8 Other areas of NDIIPP portfolio More partnership activity Architectural framework for preservation Digital preservation research
May2005NDIIPP9 Working with state governments Three meetings in April and May 2005 –All 50 states (state libraries, state archives, CIOs) –Enthusiastic about opportunity to meet each other –Identifying shared needs across states –States want to retain responsibility for their own content –LC encouraged to serve as coach, synthesizer, undertake catalytic activities –Keep the conversation going
May2005NDIIPP10 Working with state governments (2) One catalytic (we hope), coaching activity With Center for Technology in Government – Toolkit for assessing digital preservation capability –May be used to support the development of partnerships among state libraries, archives, and other state agencies –Questionnaires and a process for partnerships to use to identify important digital preservation projects and to determine the capabilities they need to assemble to carry them out
May2005NDIIPP11 NDIIPP portfolio Network of preservation partners Architectural framework for preservation Digital preservation research
May2005NDIIPP12 Digital Preservation Research Joint LC/NSF digital preservation research grants program (administered by NSF) Agenda shaped by It’s About Time report based on workshop Major areas of interest: –Digital repository models –Tools, technologies, and processes –Organizational, economic, and policy issues 8 awards announced recently
May2005NDIIPP13 Research grants awarded May 2005 Topics and content areas include –Large-scale data repositories for oceanographic study data and MODIS satellite images –Video –Engineering and design data –Infrastructure and lifecycle issues –Incentives for data producers to create archive- ready data sets
May2005NDIIPP14 For More Information NDIIPP – Caroline R. Arms –(202)