Ryan Cabinte JD, MBA Dwight Collins, PhD Margrethe Winslow, PhD Ryan Cabinte JD, MBA Dwight Collins, PhD Margrethe Winslow, PhD Developing an Integrated MBA/MPA Curriculum to Spur Innovative and Collaborative Solutions in Sustainability
© Steven Crane and Dwight Collins Presidio Graduate School CHESC 2012 Session 34: Making Student Learning Outcomes into Sustainability Learning Outcomes 2 Presidio Graduate School educates and inspires a new generation of skilled, visionary and enterprising leaders to transform business and public policy and create a more just, prosperous and sustainable world.
Why a Joint Degree? Complex social and environmental problems are increasingly being solved through multi- sectoral approaches. Business, government, non-profit sectors are becoming more interdependent. Leverages business skills and knowledge of law and policy-making process. Range of insight allows for innovative problem solving.
Joint MBA/MPA or MPP Programs in the U.S. New York University MBA/MPA Ohio State University MBA/MPA Harvard MBA/MPA Stanford MBA/MPP Duke MBA/MPP UCLA MBA/MPP Pepperdine MBA/MPP Georgetown MBA/MPP Presidio Graduate School MBA/MPA in Sustainable Management
Sustainability problems are ripe for multi-sector solutions Food waste Recycling Bio-based fuels Land conservation Affordable housing
Public-Private Partnership at Napa, CA Waste Diversion Facility Background: 1989 statewide California recycling mandate for local communities to divert 50% of all waste going to landfills Good news: Commercial company waste generators save money Problem: Financial returns on the haulers’ recycling divisions about half that of the collection and landfill divisions Response: City initiative to transform model to align city’s goals with haulers’ goals
Public-Private Partnership at Napa, CA Waste Diversion Facility New RFP reflecting new business model focused on diversion – City engages support of social entrepreneur with multi-sectoral knowledge – RFP issued (2004), three haulers responded, winner chosen Diversion rate increased from 49% in 2005 to 62% in 2012 Key Observation: Multi-sectoral knowledge required for initiative to succeed – City budgetary/operations environment – State regulatory environment – For-profit business optimization
EOS Climate Business offering: – Produce high quality Verified Emissions Reductions by destroying Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS) – For-profit model built on policy Skills needed: – Technical: Writing ODS destruction certification protocol – Policy: Knowledge of GHG regulatory environment at federal and state levels – Business: Create business model: ODS sources, revenue sources, destruction operators
JACO Environmental Supplies ODS Destruction Credits - De-manufactures Refrigerators & Recycles 98%
MBA Learning Outcomes Articulating a Sustainable MBA and MPA Sustainable Systems – Systems Thinking – Sustainability Literacy – Ethics & Social Justice Sustainable Leadership – Efficacy, Resilience & Adaptability – Relationship Management – Organizational Change Business Foundations – Economics – Innovation in products and services, marketing, & operations – Capital Management – Critical Thinking Sustainable Systems – Social, Economic & Ecological Systems – Organizations, Institutions & Policy – Policy Modeling Sustainable Leadership – Insight, Creativity, & Leading for the Long Term – Engagement & Collaboration Public Administration Foundations – Sustainable Management – Ecological & Social Issues – Frameworks MPA Learning Outcomes
SUS 7010: Introduction to Public Administration & Policy SUS 6000: Civic Leadership, Decision-Making & Systems Thinking SUS 6010: Principles of Sustainable Management SUS 6195: Effective Management, Communication & Action SUS 7030: Research Methods & Policy Evaluation SUS 6025: Human Resources and Management Ethics SUS 6130: Implementation of Sustainable Practices SUS 6021: Quantitative Methods for Business & Public Administration SUS 7060: Public Sector Finance SUS 7080: Information Management, Technology & Policy SUS 6210: Leadership for Sustainable Management SUS 7025: Market Failure and the Regulatory Environment SUS 7100: Sustainable Urban Development, Economics, and Policy 7090: Integrative Capstone Plan Elective (Culture Values & Ethics; International Entrepreneurship; Clean Technology) SUS 6025: Micro- and Macroeconomics MPA
SUS 6010: Principles of Sustainable Management SUS 6195: Effective Management, Communication & Action SUS 6000: Managerial Accounting SUS 6060: Managerial Marketing SUS 6130: Implementation of Sustainable Practices SUS 6021: Quantitative Methods for Business & Public Administration SUS 6110: Operations & Production SUS 6090: Sustainable Products & Services SUS 6210: Leadership for Sustainable Management SUS 7025: Market Failure and the Regulatory Environment SUS 6040: Managerial Finance SUS 6050: Strategy Elective (Culture Values & Ethics; International Entrepreneurship; Clean Technology) SUS 6025: Micro- and Macroeconomics SUS 6175: Capital Markets SUS 6145: Integrative Capstone Venture Plan MBA
SUS 7010: Introduction to Public Administration & Policy SUS 6000: Civic Leadership, Decision-Making & Systems Thinking SUS 6010: Principles of Sustainable Management SUS 6195: Effective Management, Communication & Action SUS 6000: Managerial Accounting SUS 6060: Managerial Marketing SUS 7030: Research Methods & Policy Evaluation SUS 6025: Human Resources and Management Ethics SUS 6130: Implementation of Sustainable Practices SUS 6021: Quantitative Methods for Business & Public Administration SUS 6110: Operations & Production SUS 6090: Sustainable Products & Services SUS 7060: Public Sector Finance SUS 7080: Information Management, Technology & Policy SUS 6210: Leadership for Sustainable Management SUS 7025: Market Failure and the Regulatory Environment SUS 6040: Managerial Finance SUS 6050: Strategy SUS 7100: Sustainable Urban Development, Economics, and Policy 7090: Integrative Capstone Plan Elective (Culture Values & Ethics; International Entrepreneurship; Clean Technology) SUS 6025: Micro- and Macroeconomics SUS 6175: Capital Markets SUS 6145: Integrative Capstone Venture Plan MPA MBA
Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment Markets Market Failure Regulatory Intervention Regulatory Failure
Markets Market Failure Regulatory Intervention Regulatory Failure Intractable Problems/System Failures (often “Sustainability” problems) Opportunity for Sustainability Innovation and Value (i.e., Social Entrepreneurship) Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment
Key Assignment Pick an Intractable problem Design 5 solutions Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment
Key Assignment Pick an Intractable problem Design 5 solutions 1 business1 NGO1 policy Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment
Key Assignment Pick an Intractable problem Design 5 solutions 1 business -Porter’s 5 forces -Business Model Generation 1 NGO -Find a funder -Write the grant proposal outline 1 policy -Bardach’s 8 Fold path -Find funding source Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment
Key Assignment Pick an Intractable problem Design 5 solutions 1 business -Porter’s 5 forces -Business Model Generation 1 NGO -Find a funder -Write the grant proposal outline 1 policy -Bardach’s 8 Fold path -Find funding source 2 inter-sectoral solutions, PPP, or solution outside system Market Failures and the Regulatory Environment
Discussion What feedback do you have for us? What are your thoughts about or experiences with dual-degree programs?