Sport England Funding for Clubs Edwina Archer
Question? Can you guess what some of the funders’ Top Ten Tips might be? 5 Minutes!
1.Always read the guidance! 2.Eligibility! 3.Don’t hesitate to contact the funder 4.State the obvious 5.Be consistent 6.Clearly answer each question! 7.Consider the timescale 8.Ensure your project meets the funder’s objectives 9.Provide evidence of need 10.Check It! Top Ten Tips
Main Grant Funding Sources Sport Specific Funding Foundations, Trusts, Charities, Businesses, Building Societies, Local Authorities / Public Sector, Co-operative Societies, Landfill Operators
Sport England “Small Grants Programme” (£7m pa) Grants of between £300 and £10,000 Programme Outcomes: Increase the proportion of 14-25’s playing sport once a week Grow regular participation for those aged 14+ Reduce drop-off in participation – 16, 18, 21, 24 Grow participation by people with a disability
Question? How would you describe the case study in less than 100 words? 5 Minutes!
Sport England “Small Grants Programme” Project Description Include the final outcomes Include the process Include the actions E.g. “We will attract and sustain 20 new regular participants aged over 14 in table tennis by delivering after school taster sessions for 5 weeks (i.e. 25 days). To help us do this we will purchase 2 table tennis tables, nets and a selection of bats and balls”.
Sport England “Small Grants Programme” – Key Sections 500 words! Why is your project needed? What difference will your project make? How will you make your project happen? What will happen after this project ends? Will you work with anyone else to make your project happen?
Question? There are a variety of sources of information which can be used to evidence the need for projects. What sources can you think of? 5 Minutes!
Consultation with beneficiaries and other stakeholders Waiting lists Your own or other’s experience Sport statistics Local statistics / local surveys / strategies NGB / LA / CSP / other partners e.g. schools Lack of provision / gaps in provision Letters of support Quotes from potential beneficiaries Photos? Evidencing the Need for your project
Inspired Facilities Scored Sections Need For Your Project Impact On Your Sport Community Involvement Sustainability
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Edwina Archer Funding Development Officer