Grant Development Grant Center Fitchburg State University
Who can apply for grants? Individuals - usually seeking scholarships or research funding Private non-profit organizations –Religious, education, charitable, scientific or literary organizations –Civic leagues –Business leagues, chambers of commerce –Social and recreational clubs Local Education Agency - a school district Schools - public and private Government Agencies – city, county or state Coalitions or Partnerships.
Funding Sources Private –Foundations and Corporations Government (public) –Federal, state and local
A successful proposal: Is sent to the funder who shares your mission. Demonstrates an understanding of the need for the project Outlines clear and measurable objectives Presents an innovative, thoughtful project plan Shows evidence of good management and demonstrates capacity Reflects solid evaluation methodology Contains a budget that is adequate and reasonable Has potential for replicability, and sustainability
Step 1. The funding source. (Government, foundation or corporate support) Search various databases. On-line databases (Foundation Center, Catalog of Domestic Assistance, AGM, GuideStar) Grant Center and library resources Google… Ask colleagues (who supports like projects?) Board members of foundations
–Does their mission, area of interest, types of support match your project? –What are their guidelines? –What are the size of their grant awards? –How many grants do they give? –What is the average award amount? –How competitive is the process?
The application or Request For Proposal (RFA, RFGP, RFR etc) Letter of Intent (L.O.I.) Priority of the RFP RFP sections and points Scoring rubrics
The grant review process: Government is usually peer review process Foundation is often program officer and then board review.
Step 2. Your Project The NEED section or Problem Statement. What is the need. Be specific, very often the funder will have identified the general “need” in their RFP or priority. (after all they recognize there is a problem) What is the specific problem you are setting about to solve. Back this up with data from a variety of sources Translate these into tangibles Use graphs and charts This is the basis for everything you propose to do, so spell this section out well.
NEED statement cont. What else is being done about the problem? Identify what others are doing. How are you working with them to do this or How is what you propose filling a gap they are leaving How is what you propose building or expanding on what is being done. (By you or others).
What is the latest literature or current research on your area of interest? Your research should provide additional information about the need as well as support your proposed project. Cite your sources and use a reference or bibliography sections.
Step 3. Goals and objectives One or two goals (The larger the grant the more goals) –Goal is not to solve problems but reduce or prevent them –Are usually in the RFP so paraphrase to suit your project… –This is an overview, like a mission statement Most goals are not measurable
Program objectives –Associate with specific program goals –Are clear and measurable State specific accomplishments Define minimum measure of success (under promise and over deliver) –be realistic use words like “at least” “by this date” “minimum” Reflect major program components Specify who, what and when Define how many or how much
–Process objects Measure quantitative accomplishment or task Sometimes more short term Common in smaller projects –Outcome objectives Reflect qualitative changes Are considered more as long term objective. May address change in incidence rates, behavior attitude or action.
What you plan to do about the problem or need you have identified. –Begin with the goals of the programs –Provided an overview –Describe the target population –Cite the literature, current research that supports the activities your propose –Justify your strategies, show the relationship Step 4. Project plan or strategy (program model)
Step 5. Who is going to do this and why. Identify the major players, provide the qualifications of those involved Lay out a management plan. –This can be a table with a timeline Include a timeline
Step 6. Evaluation – How will know we succeeded Tied to objectives, management plans program activities and budget Evaluation measures (indicators of success) should follow each objective Logic Models External evaluators Evaluation resources (PEW, Kresge)
Step 7. Dissemination Have a plan for letting others know about your findings, best practices Remember the importance of Outreach/dissemination – keeping all stakeholders informed about progress.
Step 8. Sustainability (or institutionalization) Show evidence of this in year two of timeline if multi-year project Include this in the budget
Step 9. Attachments Get resumes and letters of support early
Use simple language Be concise Avoid jargon Use bullets, tables, white space
THE BUDGET!!!! What do you need the money for? Include all items requested in the RFP Justification or narrative: explain every item include cost basis Make sure it is reasonable and adequate Make sure it balances
You are not alone Consult with the Grant Center early AND often Have an objective party read your proposal