1 Raising Funds for Your Vision Ruth Mageria Director of Fundraising Nairobi Chapel
2 When you hear the word “Fundraising”, what comes to mind? What are some ways you are raising funds for your congregation/group/organization Questions
3 Fundraising can be defined as: person The right person properlyprospect properly asking the right prospect amount for the right amount time at the right time on behalf of the rightorganization
4 Process “Fundraising is not an event, it’s an ongoing process”. Edgar Powell. Fundraising policies. Clear goals and objectives.
5 People Fundraising is all about People and building relationships. Find a connection between the organization and the donor. “Donors don’t give to institutions. They invest in ideas and people in whom they believe.” G. T. Smith
6 People meet have “In good times and bad, people give because you meet needs, not because you have needs.” Kay Grace
7 Participation Who is involved in identifying and engaging potential supporters in your mission? Importance of networks. Everyone has a role to play!
8 Plan Your organization needs a good fundraising plan in order to succeed. Advocacy. Fundraising is Advocacy. NOT BEGGING. Fundraising is NOT BEGGING. It is asking potential donors to be in partnership with you.
9 Developing Your Project Idea What new programs are you planning for the next two to three years? Which of the above programs are compatible with your current mission and purpose? What community needs does each program address?
10 Developing Your Project Idea Is the service already being provided by another organization? What members of your community would support your program? Do you currently have the expertise to take on each program?
11 Assessing Your Capability to Seek Funding What makes you competitive? What is your reputation in the community (Brand)? Are prior funders satisfied with your performance? Is community satisfied? What is the capability of staff? What would be the financial impact; do you have match?
12 Assessing Your Capability to Seek Funding Do you have the expertise and flexibility within your organization to implement the project, if funded? Do you have to seek assistance? Do you have essential support systems? What are your collaborative options?
13 Researching Potential Funders Make collaborative efforts Work with other organizations Work with other partners Document need Gather your statistics Gather focus groups, conduct surveys, collect anecdotal data
14 What the Funder Is Seeking What is the community need being addressed? What would an improved community situation look like? (Transformation) What can your organization do to improve the situation?
15 What the Funder Is Seeking How will your project document its success? How much will the project cost? How will the project be funded in the future?