The Pilgrim Trust Trusts and Foundations * Georgina Nayler
The Pilgrim Trust Established for 84 years Disburses around £2.5 million p.a. Grants range from £1,000 to £300,000 Flexible and tries to fund things that others won’t! Funds social welfare as well as preservation and scholarship projects Currently 12 Trustees and 5 part time staff
Funding Snapshot Receives about 350 full applications a year and funds approximately 90 so success rate of about 25% Average grant around £25,000 Runs a small grants programme for awards of less than £5,000.
Current Priority Areas – Preservation and Scholarship Preservation & Scholarship Conservation of monuments or structures Conservation of art, books, manuscripts, photographs, documents, and museum objects Promotion of knowledge through cataloguing, academic research and dissemination Preservation of historic buildings and architectural features 60% of funding
Social Welfare Support for women with complex needs who are at risk Projects in the criminal justice system and providing an alternative to custody 40% of funding
Recent grants Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust The Cemeteries Project, managed by the Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust, was delivered over a two-year period by a team of volunteers. (£5,000 grant)
Copped Hall Trust, £25,000 towards reinstatement of part of the roof. Yorkshire Sculpture Park – grant towards repair of the Chapel £35,000
The Follies Trust: Mausoleum in Knockbreda Churchyard (£15,000)
Hearth: Syon Mills Stables £50,000 towards essential repairs
National Trust, Mount Stewart, heritage gardening apprenticeship - £44,845 over three years The Follies Trust, Beresford Obelisk- £14,950
Preliminaries to fund raising Governance Sustainability of organisation Annual Accounts Do not start work! Research Build relationships where possible Lobbying William Morris Museum – conservation of wood blocks (£10,000)
Preliminaries to fund raising Timing of decisions Timing your approach Peer mentoring Read the guidelines and funding priorities carefully Armagh Public Library, The Long Room.,£20,005 towards cataloguing the print collection ( Photo: credit and copyright: Brian Mason)
The Application Key things we want to know: Why is your building or collection significant? How do you or will you make use of it? Do you have the organisational capability to deliver? Have you taken appropriate professional advice? How will you look after the heritage asset in the future? Will it be able to generate enough income to make it sustainable? What will be the public benefit? PHOTOS!
The Application If no application form use a summary paragraph – be clear and concise – no jargon, clichés or acronyms, but sell your project! The application should contain: Description of the organisation How it is organised and managed History and importance of the object, collection or building Photographs must be good quality and preferably not embedded in a document Description of the problem and project and how it will solve the problem How the project will be managed Breakdown of costs with funding sources and the amount you are hoping the Trust will contribute Support the organisation enjoys Who will benefit and what the long term outcomes will be
Application Appendices … your application with clearly labelled appendices Most recent audited accounts Details of Trustees and Staff and Professional Advisers The project in its context Statement of significance Conservation and Business Plans Location plan (for building) The current condition and the work to be done with quotes The fund raising strategy and the fund raising context Clear, realistic, financial statements and cash flow Financial viability of the organisation and the project in the long term
Other Considerations Funder visits Training and volunteering opportunities Understand the funder, in particular timescales Understand any grant conditions and the monitoring that the funder will require Gatton Park, The Pulmenite Pond
Basic things we look for in an application Who is applying? Is the building important – in itself and to its surroundings? What does it look like? What will happen if the funding is not forthcoming? Is the application clear? What is the fund raising strategy? Is the project deliverable? What will be the long term impact?
Post grant award Say “Thank You” Acknowledge the support publicly, if that is what the funder wants Keep in touch Getting the cash Report problems Don’t go silent! Lowerstoft Civic Society: conservation of 17 th - century ceiling (£5,000)
Remember to send reports when they are due Let funder know any good news North Norfolk Buildings Preservation Trust – the Langham Dome, £10,000
The next application? Completion Celebrations Follow up Prepare the way for the next application!
NVA: St Peter’s Chapel, Seminary at Cardross near Glasgow - £24,645 to pay for an asbestos survey
Georgina Nayler The Pilgrim Trust