CAP-TB Thailand and Regional
Rayong Province Strengthening the TB network
Rayong: FY14 Activities Rayong Provincial Hospital: – MDR-TB expert physicians – MDR-TB case conferences – Multi-disciplinary teams for MDR-TB care – Hospital call center MDR-TB DOTS: transition from NCCM to RPHO/district level staff – Analyze successes of NCCM DOTS strategy to develop protocol/guide for successful MDR-TB DOTS
Rayong: FY14 Activities Rayong Provincial Hospital: – GeneXpert diagnosis: province to assume costs for GeneXpert cartridges Active case finding and screening – Effectiveness and impact of DM/PLHIV/community screening? – Migrant population: consider Burmese community?
Rayong: Current Funding Sources National Health Security Office (NHSO) 1.Active case finding/screening among at-risk populations and close contacts of TB/MDR-TB patients 2.Directly-observed therapy (DOT) by trained personnel for TB/MDR-TB patients Global Fund – to be ended in September DOTS in all communities in three districts in Rayong Province 2.Facilitate TB/HIV activities 3.Empower community in TB prevention and control 4.Provide living support to patients
Rayong Province Strengthening the TB network
Building a provincial model for TB/MDR-TB decentralization in Rayong: Strengthening provincial, district, sub-district, and community levels of TB network
Thailand: Bureau of Tuberculosis Support BTB to develop infrastructure for national MDR-TB decentralization – On-line “help desk” – Triage queries from around the country to specific experts (clinical niche and geography) – Track and monitor queries over time Coordinate with other organizations working on cross-border migrant TB/MDR-TB: IOM, WHO, CDC, etc. – Health policy: advocacy with labor organizations, police, etc.
CAP-TB Regional Strategy
Capacity Development
Strategy: combining partner and prime/funder priorities Partner Prime/Funder
CAP-TB Social Media
CAP-TB Knowledge Gateway News TB Insights Resources e-learning
CAP-TB Knowledge Gateway Burmese Chinese Thai
Regional Strategies and Activities Cross-border migrant population – Expand upon this over FY14-FY16? – Relevant priority given timing of ASEAN, location of Thailand/Myanmar/China Research activities – Health economics and gender studies – 9-month regimen: potential national expansion to other provinces in China (project support through TA?)