WHY WRITE A PROPOSAL Tell your story Why your project Gain support for your project Financial Partners
SIGNS OF SUCCESS Provides creative or proven response to need Strong data to support the need Strong data to support your experience/success History of fiscal responsibility Collaboration Sustainability plan
TOP 10 - MOST COMMON ERRORS Does not show need (98%) Proposal doesn’t match RFP guidelines (63%) Does not have logical order (50%) Uses too many, unrelated, or old statistics Relies too much only on client stories Poor evaluation plan – weak objectives, no impact outcomes Uses abstract or language (78%) Uses flowery, overblown language (62%) Budget doesn’t match narrative Unexplained line items
RFP COMPONENTS Executive Summary Needs Goals & Objectives Program Methodology Evaluation Budget Budget Narrative Appendices
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAINT A PICTURE Purpose of request Proposed project Needs statement Goals/objectives to be accomplished Activities & methodology to be implemented Total cost of project Amount request
NEEDS STATEMENT/SECTION Be specific Why do this project – issue to be addressed Why in your community context Why this target population Use charts/graphs
OUTCOMES, GOALS, OBJECTIVES Outcome: Change/impact on those served Goals: What is to be achieved Objectives: Performance outputs PROGRAM LOGIC Connect resources to activities to outcomes
QUALIFICATIONS - WHY YOUR AGENCY Organizational history and mission Agency program strengths Evidence of accomplishments Organizational capacity Qualifications of key staff
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION & METHODOLOGY Program model with activity descriptions Evidence-based Best or emerging best practice Chronological sequence of activities Target population Characteristics – age range, gender, ethnicity, culture, educational level, income level, statistics specific to your program Numbers served Changes in the population related to your program request
EVALUATION Plan for evaluation and Plan for modifications Internal and/or External Criteria Data Instruments Analysis
BUDGET Budget Expenses specific to project Expenses relate to activities Revenue from other sources Indirect resources Budget narrative Specific to line items Clear and concise
APPENDICES (HAVE ON FILE) Tax exempt certificate List of board of directors Audit/financial statement Agency annual budget Resumes or bio of key staff Support letters Organizational chart Strategic plan Bylaws
WHEN YOU’RE WRITING Power words – action words Use of headings – keep focused and logical Consistent formatting throughout document Short paragraphs No unexplained acronyms Cautious use of field specific terminology
CASE STATEMENT Introduction of agency and community Data to substantiate your statements Analyze why certain data is asked for Add data appropriate to your case
CASE STATEMENT SAMPLE 1 XYZ is a nonprofit agency serving 600 youth (ages 6- 15) throughout the town of Metropolis in after- school group activities for education and social development. The population of our city ranks highest in the state in incidence of school suspensions. The suspension rate contributes to the low academic success measured by standardized test scores. XYZ proposes to begin a program for raising academic success using The ABC Kids curriculum.
CASE STATEMENT SAMPLE 2 Incidence of domestic violence has increased by 7% on a national level (National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence). The Metropolis police department statistics indicate a 10% increase in each of the last 2 years. We propose a collaborative project between the Safe Shelter victim services (lead and fiscal agent), the County Prosecutor’s Office, and the County Sheriff’s department to provide a community awareness campaign. This campaign will be based on the work done in Tennessee which resulted in increased prosecutions from domestic assault and a 8% decrease in new victims of domestic violence within 2 years of implementing this comprehensive, collaborative approach.
PLAN FOR SUCCESS Plan ahead – allow time for multiple drafts and review by others Consider your audience Meet deadlines Follow instructions Answer the questions
IN CASE OF SUCCESS Celebrate Educate Implement Report
IN CASE OF REJECTION Don’t take it personally Ask for (and listen to) feedback Review & revised your proposal Learn about re-application opportunity --- same or different funder
PROSPECT SEARCH Sources On-line databases Foundation directories – available free at your community library Ask IYI Assess Project match to funder priorities Ratio of application and reporting requirements to resources available