Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Center for Primary Care Practice-Based Research and Learning
McKesson Physician Practice Solutions Partner PPRNet, 2010
Briefly review PPRNet’s mission and history Present PPRNet’s primary aims as a clinical reporting, learning and research network Highlight PPRNet member experiences Discuss your interest and role in PPRNet
© PPRNet, 2011
Founded May 1, 1995 as a collaboration between MUSC, PMSI (now McKesson PPS) and participating practices MCKESSON PHYSICIAN PRACTICE SOLUTIONS Niche in EHR fieldNiche in EHR field Academic partnerAcademic partnerMUSC Practice sites with data/EHR clinicians/staff for interventionsPractice sites with data/EHR clinicians/staff for interventions Clinical databaseClinical databasePRACTICES ReportsReports RecognitionRecognition Learning NetworkLearning Network QI assistance, $ for meetingsQI assistance, $ for meetings CMECME
Turn clinical data into actionable information Empirically test theoretically sound interventions using EHR to improve health care quality Disseminate successful interventions “Blurring the distinction between quality improvement and research”
Practice, provider and patient-level reports 62 primary care quality indicators Preventive services Chronic disease management Medication safety Summary measures
Population management tool
©PPRNet, 2012
Evaluate performance over time Identify patients overdue for care Engage, motivate, and incentivize practice team Demonstrate quality of care for quality recognition and incentive programs
Report customizations to meet the unique needs of a particular practice are available For example: ▪ Select providers for inclusion ▪ Adapt reports for the CMS Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative Contact us with requests: ©PPRNet 2012
Turn clinical data into actionable information Empirically test theoretically sound interventions using EHR to improve health care quality Disseminate successful interventions “Blurring the distinction between quality improvement and research”
YearsFunderProject Name AHRQPrimary and Secondary Prevention of CHD and Stroke AHRQAccelerating Translation of Research into Practice NIAAAFacilitating Alcohol Screening of Hypertensive Patients NCIColorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care Practice AHRQMedication Safety in Primary Care Practices AHRQ Implementation and Evaluation of Standing Orders Using Heath Information Technology NIAAA Implementation of Alcohol Screening, Intervention and Treatment in Primary Care AHRQ Reducing Inappropriate Prescribing of Antibiotics by Primary Care Clinicians AHRQ Dissemination of the PPRNet Model for Improving Medication Safety in Primary Care AHRQ Improving Recognition and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care
Translating Research into Practice (TRIP) Interventions Clinical Performance Reports Practice Site Visits Network Meetings
Improvement approaches “that really work” Prioritize performance Involve all staff Redesign delivery system Activate the patient Use EHR tools ©PPRNet, 2012
Turn clinical data into actionable information Empirically test theoretically sound interventions using EHR to improve health care quality Disseminate successful interventions “Blurring the distinction between quality improvement and research”
Summer meeting 18 th Annual Meeting: August 21-23, 2013 Focus on sharing research findings and planning Best Practice awards Charleston, SC ©PPRNet 2012
Winter meeting Focus on using PPRNet reports to improve quality and for quality recognition programs First meeting – March 9, 2013 in Charleston, SC Input on future locations welcome! ©PPRNet 2012
and listserv ©PPRNet 2012
MonthTopic JanIntro to PPRNet and member benefits FebUsing your PPRNet reports for QI MarPractice guideline and PPRNet report updates AprUSPSTF and PPRNet report update MayUsing your PPRNet reports for QI JunPPRNet’s Top 10 list for QI ©PPRNet 2012
“Learning and Research” Practices “Learning” Practices ©PPRNet 2012
Successfully completed 3 PPRNet intervention studies ever or Successfully completed PPRNet intervention study in past 3 years or Currently participating in PPRNet intervention study or Eligible and consented to participate in upcoming PPRNet intervention study ©PPRNet 2012
All other practices that have performed a PPRNet data extract in the prior 12 months ©PPRNet 2012
PPRNet ServiceLearning PracticeLearning & Research Practice Network MeetingsFree (excl. food) Monthly Webinars*Free Annual Reports*Free Quarterly Reports$Free** Monthly Reports$$ Customized Reports and/or consultation $$ ©PPRNet 2012 *Supported by McKesson Physician Practice Solutions contract **Quarterly reports supported by research grants and contracts $ Supported by subscribing practices
Save the date! PPRNet Meeting for Learning Practices March 9, 2013 Charleston, SC