The Culture of Teaching and Learning Standard 2 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and Instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth (CCSSO, 1996, P.12).
Case Study Introduction Washington Elementary Pre-K-6 Rural Elementary School Demographics The school is located in the rural town of Milton, population It is surrounded by strawberry fields and orange groves.
School Population 62% Hispanic (5% increase in past 5years) 33% White 5% African American The Hispanic population is composed of families of migrant workers whose primary language is Spanish. Many of the parents are illiterate or have limited education, but are very supportive of the educational system. This population is transient. The African American Population is bused thirty minutes in from Centerville another Allen County School District town. The white students are the children of strawberry farmers and blue collar workers.
Achievement Data Washington Elementary - Previous School Year School Grade - D Reading Criteria (to earn C) Student Achievement Meet Criteria 60% Level 2 or above 50% Level 2 and above no Mathematics 60% Level 2 or above 62% Level 2 and above yes Writing 50% Level 3 or above 49% no
Case study presentation: Purpose was to analyze and study strategies principals may use to improve school culture; This is a segment of a comprehensive presentation.