1 COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT So many algae, so little time.
2 Collections Management Permits are required to collect marine organisms in Panama –STRI is covered by a blanket marine collecting permit Land plant/subaerial algae requires different collecting permit –Exporting preserved or live specimens requires separate permits. Requirement of permitting is to provide duplicate specimen for deposition at University of Panama –Co-ordinate sample export with course instructor if necessary Don’t over-collect, you’ll only waste time throwing out rotten, smelly seaweed Collect sufficient material to preserve appropriately Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente
3 Collections Management Goals –To be able to recall collection information associated with each sample at a later date (months, years, decades from now) –Associate image data with specimens –Produce meaningful products that someone else can verify at any point in the future –(10 collection days) x (20 collectors) x (10 specimens) = 2000 specimens!
4 Collections Management Record –GPS When you arrive on site! –Unique identification number for each specimen using spreadsheet PASI09.BW-0001 Do use leading zeros so that your spreadsheet will sort properly –PASI09.BW-0001, PASI09.BW –Not PASI09.BW1, PASI09.BW10... –Use drag option in Excel to fill down ID number column –Fill in all corresponding fields –Complete metadata sheet for image data
5 Collections Management: Identification Identification may require multiple strategies –Morphological examination of fresh material is best Photomicrography is available in lab Image data will be transferred to iMac from 17:00-17:30 everyday by Will Obtain your images and associate them with your collections ASAP
6 Collections Management: Preservation Preservation is always required for vouchering & later identification –Herbarium –Formalin 4-5% Formaldehyde solution in seawater from collection site Formalin is not allowed on airplanes –Leave specimens in Formalin for 24h –pour off excess into labeled waste container –transport wet specimens in nested bags, inside of sturdy container –Note: plan on formalin leaking...it always does
7 Collections Management: Preservation Herbarium preparation corrugated cardboard felt blotter newsprint specimen corrugated cardboard felt blotter newsprint Data recorded in spreadsheet must be recorded on herbarium sheet.
8 Collections Management: PASI Goals 1.Contribute accurately identified specimens to BRS Reference Collection –Every species plate for field guide should have referenced specimens –Left over material can be mounted and prepared fro donation to UP 2.Contribute species records to BdT Biodiversity Database 3.Document the morphology of select species as part of a series of photographic plates Addressing these goals will promote your understanding of tropical algal diversity
9 Collections Management: Identification Identification may require multiple strategies –Molecular Work (DNA Sequencing/Barcoding) Extraction of fresh material is best Integrity of DNA is preserved by rapid drying –Non-formalin fixed herbarium specimens can be used –Silica gel promotes rapid drying
10 Collections Management: PASI Goals Contribute specimens and morphological observations to class DNA Barcoding Project Hypotheses: –H 0 : Species richness of taxon x as determined by morphological examination is the same as determined by molecular examination (sequencing of coxI mitochondrion gene) –H a1 : DNA barcoding of taxon x reveals cryptic (hidden) diversity Morphologically identical specimens are genetically distinct –H a2 : Morphological variability within taxon x conceals genetic similarity Morphologically variable specimens are genetically identical
11 Collections Management: PASI Goals Means of tracking information is absolutely essential to reconcile –Specimen records with field/lab image data –Specimen records (i.e., morphology, ecological/geographic distribution) with molecular data Ensure that your specimen records are updated daily in the Excel spreadsheet –Do not put specimens in press without logging or labeling
12 Laboratory Maintenance Microscopes –Always clean up seawater spills on microscopes immediately –Wipe down slide platform (compound scope) or glass base (stereo scope) daily –Replace dust cover –Conserve slides/cover slips as best as possible Slide drying on your own table, not in common space next to sink Broken/used slides/cover slips in glass waste Lab tables –Keep workspace clean –Return literature to literature table when not in use Use fans overnight to facilitate herbarium drying
13 Laboratory Maintenance Sea Water Tables –Keep your specimens in labeled containers/bags May be hard to keep track of free-floating specimens –Change water in baggies at least daily –Don’t hold specimens for more than 1-2 days, maximum –Get rid of old specimens (not in trash) –Re-use collection baggies, organize conveniently Waste bucket will be established in lab, ensure it is emptied at least once/day Spills –Clean them up –Try to avoid electrical outlets
14 Collections Management: Field Photography 4 cameras are available for in situ photography –Canon PowerShot 720 –Canon underwater housing (WP-DC16) rated to 130’ Orientation to field Cameras will be given by Brian Image data will be deleted from cards before going into field Each user is responsible for downloading data, and deleting card memory before returning to camera
15 Collections Management: Field Photography Work in pairs to photo-document selected specimens –Photograph # on numbered collection bag (to segregate image data by specimen) –Photograph specimen (multiple images) –Place photographed specimen into numbered bag –1 specimen/bag –Ultimately, you will need to generate image file name and link it to specimen number in metadata spreadsheet –Linking specimen number to file name is useful
16Delegations Field Cameras Lab Cameras Water tables