Making an Intraop Neuropathology preparation Starring Ed Plowey
Surgeon obtains specimen Tissue within needle is gently teased onto saline MOISTENED (not soaked) Telfa
Set up Instruments: Clean surface, Scalpel, Fine forceps, labeled slides, OPEN Fixative jar
Specimen arrival Labeling slides
Touch Prep Either: – Turn slide frosted side down and touch to entire specimen Or if specimen firm (e.g. meningioma) – Pick up with forceps and dab twice to slide DO NOT SLIDE OR SWIRL FIX IMMEDIATELY – i.e. ASAP – i.e. in less than 1 second
Touch Prep Turn slide frosted side down and touch entire specimen FIX IMMEDIATELY i.e. ASAP i.e. < 1 second
Touch Prep Video uQ uQ
Pituitary adenoma TP Slide overview of Adenoma TP20X of adenoma Pituitary adenomas are diagnosed intra-operatively by Touch Prep ONLY
Preparing to do smear
Smearing: Specimen size
Smearing specimen size No Larger than tip of pencil 0.5mm 3
Smearing Slides can be held parallel or perpendicular (as shown here)
Smearing Video dhk dhk
Examples of good smears Useable area Superb Smear 2 parts of specimen on one slide
Summary: Set up: Key features Slides labeled Specimen on moist Telfa pad – Not Dry: Not immersed in saline IF specimen uniform – Cut off piece up to (but not exceeding) size of tip of pencil (<0.5mm 3 ) IF specimen is biphasic – Make two slides or – Place small piece on opposite sides of slide
Common problems / solutions Too much tissue on slide – Use less Air drying – Be sure fixative jar (95% ethanol) is open and adjacent to prep site – Drop slide into jar for fastest fixation No tissue touches off or smears – Move on to frozen section
What is wrong with this smear?
Smear problems: Too much tissue Solution: Obviously use less
What is wrong with this prep?
TP/Smear Problems: Air dried Solution: Have fixative jar open and closer before starting prep
What is wrong with this smear?
Not enough material all at bottom of slide Solution: Start by placing specimen ½” from frosted end of slide
What is wrong with this TP?
Specimen not touching off Try smear and if that doesn’t work go to frozen
What is wrong with this picture? No Gloves !