Blood Specimen Composition Collection
Composition Plasma Serum Blood cells
Blood Types O, A, B, AB Rh+, Rh- Universal donor Universal recepient
Common Tests CBC with differential Hematocrit Hemoglobin Prothrombin time
Anemia Inability of RBC to furnish enough O2
Hemophilia Genetic clotting disorder
Leukemia Abnormal WBC Leukopenia
Hemorrhage Life- threatening blood loss
Hyperglycemia Diabetes Mellitus Treat with insulin
Hypoglycemia Too little sugar Treat with protein, limit sugar
Gross Symptoms Petechiae Ecchymosis
Collection Phlebotomy – bevel up Finger Stick
Order of Draw – Red Larks See Green Leaves Blood Culture Red top – non-additive or serum tubes Light blue top for citrate tubes Speckled top for clot-activator tubes Green top for tubes containing heparin Lavender top for EDTA tubes Other additive tubes: grey top, etc.