A Brief Review of PROCEDURES IN TAXOMONY: PART 1, Type Concepts GEOL 3213
Species & Generic Names Binomenal nomenclature –Based on Latin –Should be Grammatically correct (Boo!) Euphonious Brief Generic names –Genus vs. genera –Can stand alone –Capitalize 1st letter –Italicize or underline
Do not use the term "trivial" for the second word Cannot stand alone, as can a generic name Italicize or underline G. menardii if Globoratalia was previously mentioned in a paragraph & it is easily understood, etc. G. cf. G. menardii if not quite sure Kinds or bases of creating names: –Descriptive (preferred) –Geographic –Geologic (not recommended, e. g., age) –Personal (V. rollinsi added i to his name & no capital) –etc. Specific Names
TYPES Reference specimens Types for different categories –Species = a specimen(s) –Genera = a species –Family = a genus Type locality = exposure, well, etc., from which came the type material Repository –Safe storage place for posterity –Large major permanent museum is best –Some large universities –Some major research institutes
Types for the Specific Category Holotype –Single specimen taken as "the type" specimen (or reference specimen) –The name-bearer –Designated by the original author –Should be Well-preserved Illustrate the maximum number of diagnostic features A typical (normal, common, etc.) specimen A permanent reference specimen (kept in a museum, etc. –If it is unavailable, a substitute must be found & designated by a later author/reviser
Types for the Specific Category Paratype(s): –Specimen(s) supplementary to the holotype –Used by the original author to show the range of variation in morphology of a new species –Should show any diagnostic features not seen on the holotype Syntype: –One of several specimens of equal rank upon which a species is based –Not recommended because later workers may select a "lectotype" & possibly shift original species concept of the original author
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Types for the Specific Category Lectotype = a specimen, selected from a syntypic series, subsequently to the original description, to serve as a holotype Neotype = a specimen selected to replace a holotype when the primary materials of a species is lost or destroyed Hypotype = a described, figured, or listed specimen Homeotype = a specimen compared, by a competent observer, with the holotype, lectotype, or other primary type material of a species & found to be conspecific with it Topotype = a specimen from the type locality of a species Plastotype = a cast of a type for distribution of facsimiles of rare specimens
Types for the Generic Category Type species –The single species upon which a genus is based. –A species, not a single specimen –Do not use the term "genotype" because it is ambiguous (confusion with genetics) Genosyntype = one of several species included within a genus as the time of its proposal if none were designated as a type species by the original author Genolectotype = type species selected by a subsequent author as the type species from the genosyntypes
Types for the Family Category Type genus –The genus upon which a family is based