1 Plumbers Local 63 Joint Apprenticeship Training Center ScreenSafe Inc. Program Administrators 877-SCREEN MAP Member Assistance Program
2 Alliance Goals and Objectives Recognition of the problem; Development of a comprehensive policy; Educate Participants; Promote the Member Assistance Program, MAP; Implement a fair and respectful drug testing program that conforms to Federal drug testing standards.
3 Policy Requirements and Exclusions The use of alcohol or drugs by employees during working hours on the job site or on company property (including company vehicles) is absolutely prohibited. Participants are required to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing in accordance with this policy.
4 Policy Requirements and Exclusions All Apprentices will be selected randomly once per year through the 100% pool for the length of the Apprentice Program. Every Apprentice will be in an ongoing 10% pool.
5 Policy Requirements and Exclusions No participant will be tested for alcohol unless a reasonable suspicion exists that the person is under the influence of alcohol, or they are involved in an on the job accident. Participants subject to this policy continue to have access to the usual protections provided as part of their union membership.
6 Testing Procedures- Reasonable suspicion/for cause The Training Coordinator must confront you. The Training Coordinator must drive you to the test site. The Training Coordinator must find a way home for you. The Training Coordinator is notified of result. If a participant is negative any lost wages are reimbursed. If the participant is positive you are considered non-compliant.
7 Testing Procedures Names picked from the random pool. ScreenSafe informs the Apprentice School who needs to test. Participants are given until end of next day to take test.
8 At The Collection Site The Drug Test Information and Instruction Sheet Authorization for Consent to Drug Analysis and Authorization of Release of Results for Testing Release of Information Signed for MRO, MAP, Training School and ScreenSafe
9 At The Collection Site Participant states they are from Plumbers Participant must have a valid picture ID Participant signs consent forms Collection Site technician faxes Consent and Release form back to ScreenSafe.
10 Testing Procedures – Safeguards Urine samples separated into two containers at time of collection(in case you disagree with the result the same specimen will be tested). Other forms of testing for participants with confirmed medical conditions Blind testing
11 Testing Procedures - Safeguards Integrity of specimens insured by utilization of one collection procedure at all sites All labs have DHHS certification All positives confirmed by GCMS(Gas Chromatography) MRO verifies all questionable non- negative results
12 Test Results If the test is negative, no further action is taken. If the test is positive for any reason, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) calls participant to validate reason for positive. If the MRO can not reach the participant they are considered non-compliant If no valid reason found, participant is non- compliant.
13 Medical Review Office Verifies your prescription It must be your prescription and must have been filled before the date of your test. If your prescription is verified by the MRO a negative result is reported out. Any participant can call the MRO to try to verify a result. Any participant can re-test the ORIGINAL specimen at a substantial cost. If the re-tested specimen is negative the participant will be refunded.
14 Policy Violations Policy Violations can include; Having a positive test result. Failing to take a test as scheduled Failing to keep a scheduled appointment with MAP Failing to participate in and/or complete the assigned treatment or education program
15 Policy Violations Policy Violations can include (continued); Substituting another substance or specimen Providing a dilute specimen(an observed drop will then be necessary)if the second specimen is dilute it is a violation Providing a urine specimen which shows the presence of an adulterant
16 Consequences Upon a first notice of non-compliance; Participant will be referred to the MAP for evaluation Participant must complete recommended treatment or education program Participant will be returned to work prior to program completion The participant will be placed in a one year accelerated testing program.
17 Consequences ScreenSafe will notify the Training Coordinator at the Apprentice School. Participants will receive written notices confirming their non- compliance. Participants could be cancelled from the Training School.
18 Returning and Continuing Compliance Follow-up testing Following MAP recommendations Proper contact information If for any reason at all you become NON-COMPLIANT for the 2 nd time.
19 Consequences The participant will be terminated from the program