Types of Light Microscopy Jenna Moranski
Compound Light Microscope What can be viewed Transparent samples Dead specimen Must be small enough to fit on a slide Can zoom in up to 1000X
Bright Field Microscope The specimen is dark and the light is bright around it Staining the specimen is normally required Can be used to view: Fixed specimen Live samples
Dark Field Microscope Light is directed at an angle toward the sample The condenser lens transmits only the light reflected off the sample Can be used to view Yeast Bacteria Pond water
Phase Contrast Microscope Most living organisms are more easily seen in a phase contrast microscope Used to view Cilia Flagella Amoebae
Differential Interface Contrast Microscope Helps to make contrast in transparent, unstained specimen Used to view Living or stained specimens that are hard to clearly see in bright field microscopes
Fluorescence Microscope Uses a much higher intensity light source than light microscopes The light excites the fluorescent parts in the specimen Can be used to view Genetic material in a cell Structural components of cells
Confocal Microscope Makes it possible to see inside living or dead cells Blocks out-of-focus light from inside the cell