Botanical Name A CER RUBRUM
Pronunciation AY - ser RU - brum
Common Name Red Maple
Family Aceraceae
Life Cycle Deciduous Perennial
Growth Habit Tree H ’ W ’ Upright
Arrangement Opposite
Leaf Shape and Size Ovate Length 2” - 4” Width 1 1/2” - 3”
Margin Serrated Lobed
Veins Palmate
Composition Simple
Flower Spring Red
Fruit Fall Brown samara
Environment Sun Part shade Shade
Growth Rapid
Use Specimen Border
Description Leaves 3 to 5 lobed Leaves have gray cast beneath
Description Cultivars: ‘October Glory’ ‘Red Sunset”
Cultural Practices Propagate from seed or grafting Do not plant near septic field
Problems None
Zones 3 - 9
Native of Eastern USA