Check Your Understanding: Nutrition Basics Give three purposes for good nutrition. What is an essential nutrient? What are the three different types of carbohydrates? What is the difference between complete and incomplete proteins? Why is fat necessary in your diet? Which type is better? What is trans fat? What is the difference between the function of vitamins and minerals? 2
Canada’s Food Guide Scavenger Hunt What are the recommended number of servings for you? How do the number of servings change from person to person? Why would this be the case? What are some recommendations for pregnant women? What food group does quinoa fall under? Why? What food group do beans & lentils fall under? Why? What food group would a V8 fall under? Why? What food group does a can of pop fall under? Do you know what “Kefir” is? What are the recommendations for oils and fats? Identify one key recommendation for each food group. Why do you think this recommendation was made? Looking at the back of the guide, write down three key recommendations that you could include in your daily life. What do you think the goal of the food guide is? Do you think it is successful? If not, what would be more successful? 3
4 Nutrition Guidelines and Recommendations
Food Labels Interactive nutrition label: etiquet/nutrition/cons/inl_flash-eng.php Quiz etiquet/nutrition/cons/interactive-eng.php 5
Recommended Servings for Athletic Performance Food Group Athlete 1 (gymnasts, divers, synchronized swimmers) Athlete 2 (For most athletes) Athlete 3 (Endurance athletes (cyclists, cross-country runner, triathlete) Grain ProductsMin 5 servings8 servings or more10-12 servings or more Fruits & Vegetables Min 5 servings8 servings or more8-10 servings or more Meat & Alternatives Min 2 servings2-3 servings2-4 servings Milk ProductsAdults min 2 Teens 3-4 Adults 2 servings Teens 3-4 servings Adults 2-6 servings Teens 3-6 servings Extra FoodsMinimize extra choices. This plan provides max nutrition for min calories Choose in moderation after you have met enough servings from the other food groups If you are finding it difficult to eat a large enough volume of food to meet energy needs then extra sweets and fat can be added Source: Sport Nutrition for the Athletes of Canada. Coaching Association of Canada 6
Metabolic Rate Measure of energy that needs to be consumed in order to sustain essential bodily functions Age, sex, weight, muscle mass all effect MR Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): 12 hrs post meal, at rest at 26-30C Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): less rigorous conditions
Harris Benedict Equation Determines RMR Males RMR = (5 x H) + (13.7 x W) – (6.8 x A) Females RMR = (1.9 x H) + (9.5 x W) – (4.7 x A) For a quicker option, multiply your weight in lbs by 11 for males and 10 for females For example, I weigh 210 lbs x 11 = 2310 calories/day
Body Mass Index BMI = Weight/ Height BMI correlates well with increased health risks: –Diabetes –Cardiovascular diseases –Kidney diseases BMI over 28 is overweight BMI of 18.5 or lower are underweight
Body Mass Index