Software Interface Design (use cases) Sonar Line Sensor Camera Arm
Camera Detect Red Light Detect False Red Detect Green Light No Detection Detect False Green
Line Sensor Detect On Line Detect Off Line False Detection
Arm Acquire Object Arm Jam Premature Release Can’t Release Don’t Acquire Object
Sonar Distance Too Far Don’t Detect Box Stop Right Place Too Close
Modeling Data Flow CourseRobotRobot is at rest at starting station Traffic Light outputs a Green Light Robot starts to follow the white line Intersection Robot turns left towards Morse Code Station Traffic Light outputs a Red Light Robot stops and prepares to accept IR Signal
Modeling Data Flow CourseRobot Robot accepts and stores the order IR Transmitter transmits signal(rabbit, deer, duck) Robot turns around Robot follows white line Intersection Robot turns left towards Parking Station Intersection Robot turns right towards Rabbit Station
Modeling Data Flow CourseRabbit Station Robot stops in front of the Rabbit Station Robot retrieves the target Robot turns around Robot follows white line Intersection Robot turns right onto main white line and continues Intersection Robot turns left towards Deer Station Robot
Modeling Data Flow CourseDeer Station Robot stops in front of the Deer Station Robot retrieves the target Robot turns around Robot follows white line Intersection Robot turns left onto main white line and continues Intersection Robot turns right towards Duck Station Robot
Modeling Data Flow CourseDuck Station Robot stops in front of the Duck Station Robot retrieves the target Robot turns around Robot follows white line Intersection Robot turns right onto main white line and continues Enter Parking Station Robot proceeds to end of Parking Station seeking cage Robot
Modeling Data Flow CourseParking Station Cage Robot stops in front of cage Robot Robot deposits all the targets into the cage Robot switches off