Ahh…school is out. The freedom of two months of summer has just begun. What to do with that freedom? What kind of mischief and mayhem can a seven year old boy get into? Well let’s take a look!
The first order of business is to make an authentic outdoors dinner using a pre-generated heating mechanism, a stick, and some store bought meat product. Three tries later we have a successfully cooked, non-burned hotdog!
Next, the adventurous tides take our young explorer off to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle Washington. Here he has the opportunity to commune with nature. Well….. he got to see a lot of cool animals through glass at least.
Stop three on the summer tour was Agate Beach on Lopez Island in the San Juans. Each year the voyager travels the family house on this earthy slow paced island. Agate beach is a must stop place to comb for agate, beach glass, and “gotta have” rocks.
While on Lopez island, the non stop traveler makes sure to spend some time examining the rock cliffs and tide pools on Shark’s Reef with his loyal cousin companion. Here the two find many sea urchins, star fish, shells, and other creatures that will stay happily on the beach no matter how much they beg to take them home.
Next, the freedom of summer finds our seven year old in the midst of an annual fishing derby on Roosevelt Lake. Although he did not win the infamous “Troll Trophy” this year, his spirits are not dampened and he will return next year with more drive and determination.
Even the great explorers Lewis and Clark needed some down time. While spending a restful week at home, our young lad puts all of his efforts into mastering the perfect Slip and Slide run. Through much trial and error, he learned how to run and jump in such a way that would land him neither at the head of the slide or over the edge into the flower bed. What skill!
As the he works his way into the second half of his summer vacation, our trekker joins some family members on a roughing it camping trip to the Chewelah Cricks. Here the campers craft various wood rafts out of whatever they can find. The boats are then used in a boat race. Sadly… nobody wins as all of the boats get lodged in a rather large downed tree and sink!
The explorers next stop takes him far from home into the roaming fields of Montana. Here he discovers large piles of antlers but oddly enough not elk. Fortune does smile upon him however when he and his traveling partner run smack dab into a herd of lazy bison.
Is he hurt??? Is he working??? No! The adventurer is merely visiting his grandpa’s doctors office. It pays to know people in high places!!!
After a few days rest at home, our brave traveler journeys to Central Oregon’s splendid Sun River. This is his first return to this beautiful land since he was three months old.
On his voyage to Oregon, the excited knowledge seeker takes some time to learn about the stars from one of Oregon’s premier Observation Station experts.
Although it may appear that the world traveling seven year old is still in Montana, he has actually meandered South East to Oregon. Here he stops to experience what it would be like to be a real Pioneer at the High Desert Museum. After this stop, he was much more thankful for running water!
From pioneer to rock climber this little man can do everything. Climbing this obsidian flow was hard work. What was the pay off for reaching the top? Um… getting your picture taken at the top! Oh the excitement!!!
As summer winds down, our weary excursionist finds himself at the old Farroget Naval Base. Of course now it has been retooled and turned into a humongous camp ground! But still the excitement and adventure is still in the air. But alas, as the old saying goes: “All good things must…..