Timber Products Company Bioforestry: Measurement of forest structures within intensively managed forestlands. Stuart Farber & Geoff Kaberle Timber Products Company 130 Phillipe Lane PO Box 766 Yreka CA
Timber Products Company Family owned business based in Springfield, Oregon Manufacturing facilities in California, Oregon, Mississippi, Michigan, Georgia Industry leader in manufacturing and distribution in hardwood and composite panels Timberland ownership includes 125,000 acres in California.
Timber Products Company N Mt Shasta City Yreka Scott River Oregon California Klamath River Trinity River California Cascades
Timber Products Company Overview of Presentation History of “New Forestry” Timber Products development and implementation of Bioforestry Program. Timber Products monitoring of Bioforestry Program Timber Products methods and metrics used for assessment
Timber Products Company New Forestry ? “A kinder, gentler forestry. Is it the answer?” Evergreen Magazine 1989
Timber Products Company New Forestry? “Maintaining stable populations of all species by managing for each species individually is an impossible task. However, biodiversity can be promoted by maintaining the habitat - forest structures - in which the species are found” Dr. Chadwick Oliver Professor, College of Forest Resources University of Washington (Oregon Department of Forestry, An easy guide for structure based forest management, 1998)
Timber Products Company Chapter 7: Variable Retention Harvest Systems Major topics discussed: How to provide structural enrichment of forest stands and landscapes? What to retain? How much to retain? What spatial pattern for retention? Considerations for wind, fire, insects, diseases?
Timber Products Company Timber Products Bioforestry Why? Maintain ability to manage forestland for the long-term Maintain landscapes of suitable habitat for Northern spotted owl through our Spotted Owl Management Plan. Create complex forest stands and landscapes that will maintain viable populations of early, mid, and mature forest wildlife species.
Timber Products Company California Cascades, Northern California Radio Telemetry of Northern spotted owl
Timber Products Company Timber Products Bioforestry Establishment of policy in Formalized Existing Efforts 2.Provided Structured Guidelines 3.Documented Policy 4.Set Minimum Standards 5.Provided for Unstructured Application
Timber Products Company Timber Products Bioforestry Overview of Guidelines Species Diversity Structural Diversity Large Woody Debris Riparian LWD and Snag Retention Tree Species Seedling Diversity Adaptive Management
Timber Products Company Timber Products Bioforestry Compliance and Effectiveness Monitoring Completed in 2000 Forest Resource Inventory Field Data Collection Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Entry into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and relational database.
Timber Products Company Number Number Silvicultural Method of Units of Acres Clearcut Shelterwood Removal Step Commercial Thinning281,414.2 Totals902,526.6 Bioforestry Results: Acres by Silviculture
Timber Products Company Number Number Timber Harvest Year of Units of Acres < Totals Bioforestry Results: Clearcut Silviculture by Year
Timber Products Company Wards Gap THP SIS(6) Klamath River, Northern California Bioforestry: Representative of tree size and species mix
Timber Products Company Wards Gap THP ( SIS(6) Klamath River, Northern California Bioforestry: Retention of hard and soft snags.
Timber Products Company Wards Gap THP SIS(6) Beaver Creek Klamath River, Northern California Bioforestry retention of down large woody debris
Timber Products Company Wards Gap THP ( SIS(6) Klamath River, Northern California Bioforestry: Wind, Fire, Disease
Timber Products Company Timber Products Bioforestry Why Monitor? Describe and document policy within stands under active timber management Describe distribution of Bioforestry stands. Describe size, quantity, and condition of Bioforestry stands.
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: What is the appropriate scale? Tree/Snag/Log Habitat Retention Area Harvest Unit Section Small Timber Harvest Plan Planning Watershed Watershed Ecosystem Large
Timber Products Company Willow Creek Mountain THP ( SIS(6) California Cascades, Northern California Bioforestry Results: Section 25 T46N R04W Stand = ac. Retention = 0.73 ac. % Retention = 3.1%
Timber Products Company Willow Creek Mountain THP ( SIS(6) California Cascades, Northern California GIS Bioforestry stand located at Section 25 T46N R04W Stand = ac. Retention = 0.73 ac. % Retention = 3.1% N
Timber Products Company West Dorris THP ( SIS(6) California Cascades, Northern California Bioforestry in Section 34 T47N R4W Stand = 24.6 ac. Retention = 1.2 ac. % Retention = 4.9%
Timber Products Company West Dorris THP ( SIS(6) California Cascades, Northern California Bioforestry in Section 26 T47N R4W Stand = 24.6 ac. Retention = 1.2 ac. % Retention = 4.9% N
Timber Products Company West Dorris THP ( SIS(6) California Cascades, Northern California Stand = 17.7 ac. Retention = 0.77 % Retention = 4.4% Bioforestry Retention in Section 4 T46N R4W
Timber Products Company West Dorris THP ( SIS(6) California Cascades, Northern California Stand = 17.7 ac. Retention = 0.77 % Retention = 4.4% Bioforestry Retention in Section 4 T46N R4W N
Timber Products Company Wards Gap THP ( SIS(6) Beaver Creek Watershed Klamath River, Northern California Bioforestry Stand in Section 27 T48N R09W Stand = 26.2 ac. Retention = 0.6 ac. % Retention = 2.3%
Timber Products Company Wards Gap THP ( SIS(6) Beaver Creek Watershed Klamath River, Northern California Bioforestry Stand in Section 27 T48N R09W Stand = 26.2 ac. Retention = 0.6 ac. % Retention = 2.3% % Retention = 5.0% % Retention = 2.9%
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: What is the appropriate scale? Tree/Snag/Log Habitat Retention Area Harvest Unit Section Small Timber Harvest Plan Planning Watershed Watershed Ecosystem Large
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: Planning Watershed scale Balance of various wildlife guilds habitat use Data can be collected and analyzed for planning watershed Some regulatory and legal support for planning watershed Compliance monitoring can be reviewed at THP level
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: Individual Retention Areas < 1/20th = 26(16%) 1/20th = 134(84%) n = 160
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: Individual Stands <2% Retention = 48% >2% Retention = 52% n = 48 Number of Stands
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: Planning Watersheds Number of Watersheds <2% Retention = 40% >2% Retention = 60% n = 15
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: Ecosystems
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: Species distribution
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: Diameter distribution Trees per acre over11’’dbh
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: LWD Loading by Stand Trees per acre over11’’dbh Number of Stands n = 48
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: Snag distribution by Stand Number of Stands
Timber Products Company Bioforestry Results: Representation of pre-harvest distributions An Example:BasalRelative (Willow Creek Mtn)TPAAreaQMD8Density Pre-harvest Condition Retention Area Condition Another Example: (Wards Gap) Pre-harvest Condition Retention Area Condition
Timber Products Company Significant sampling and data analysis questions? Are there field sampling methodologies that would be both statistically valid and quicker? What are the appropriate data metrics (ie. Qmd, BA) for assessing these forest stands? At what scale do biometricians feel assessment should take place? Which statistical methods would be most appropriate for measurement and comparison of Bioforestry stands?
Timber Products Company Bioforestry: Future Plans and Monitoring Compliance Monitoring Adaptive Management feedback in Policy development on Planting, Spraying, PCT, Burning, Site Preparation, Access of firewood cutting. Effectiveness Monitoring Wildlife use focusing on neotropical migrants, small mammals and amphibians Trend Monitoring Forest growth and decay of retention areas including effects of shade, water uptake,disease, etc.