SOUND Management: Delayed Harvest Questions & More Mark Megalos NCSU University Extension Forestry
THIS TALK Review the Forest Management Plan Requirements IDEAL PLAN Vs. Revisions Delayed Harvest Status of Current/Future Timber Market Questions and Comments
WHY A PLAN? PUV – REQUIRED!!!!!! – Shows SOUND MANAGEMENT when IMPLEMENTED Required for many government programs, certification efforts, IRS and other legal statues
“Proving Sound Management Pudding” Owner of forestland demonstrates that the forestland complies with a written sound forest management plan for the commercial production and sale of forest products, then
“Proving Sound Management ” the forestland is operated under a sound management plan.
Forest Management Plan A written plan for the commercial production and sale of forest products where sound management is defined as a program of production…….
Forest Management Plan ……. designed to obtain the greatest net return from the land consistent with its conservation and long-term improvement. ( Page 75 PUV Guide 2011)
REQUIRED PLAN ELEMENTS 1.Management and Landowner Objectives 2.Location Map or Aerial Photograph 3.Forest Stand Description / Inventory and Stand Management Recommendations 4.Harvest Methods and Dates 5.Regeneration Technique
REQUIRED PLAN ELEMENTS 1.Management and Landowner Objectives Must have???? Commercial Timber Production
REQUIRED PLAN ELEMENTS 2. Location Map or Aerial Photograph
3.Specific forest management practices New Forest – “ Planting” “Seedling herbicide release” “Site Preparation” “Precommercial thinning”
3.Specific forest management practices Young Forests – “Thinning” “Prescribed Burning”
3.Specific forest management practices Middle-Aged Forests – “Pruning” or Herbicide
3.Specific forest management practices Older Forests – “Clear cut” “Selective Harvest” “Shelterwood Harvest”
REQUIRED PLAN ELEMENTS 4. Harvest Methods and Dates Establish a target harvest timetable for each stand Specify type or regeneration-harvest – ( clearcut, seed-tree, shelterwood or selection regeneration systems as applicable )
REQUIRED PLAN ELEMENTS 5. Regeneration Techniques Completes the cycle- regeneration description when the final harvest is complete. Specifics should include natural regeneration or the planting of trees.
DELAYED HARVEST MARCH 12 th 2013 Letter PERMIT Plan Revision “allow a 3-5 Year Window” Forest in Decline??- Cutting In Order FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN is the GUIDE When in Doubt Seek Expertise
Current MARKET
US South, Pine Sawtimber: South-wide prices are forecasted to increase another 4.8% for Price spread - the difference between the highest and lowest priced markets at the state level - across eleven Southern states tops $16/ton by Forisk News Sept, 2013
Current MARKET
FUTURE MARKET Reduced harvesting activities over the past five years resulted in fewer acres of replanted trees. …over the next ten to fifteen years, ….the U.S. South may face a period of constrained wood supplies, and higher prices, until replanting rates and forest inventories recover.
SO….What Does This Mean???? Prices are Steady ( May rise) Delayed Harvest Requests- Not the ISSUE They once were in Most places! Enforce the Plan Request Explanation/ Documentation on Why plan is not followed Draw the line on Declining Forest Health/Vigor
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
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