Participatory Natural Resource Assessment (PNRA) KAVANGO Region 2006
Participatory Natural Resource Assessment Content Aim Methodology Training Costs Implementation Experienced Learned in Ncumcara CF Why Two Forms? Outcome Difference between PNRA and Forest Inventory Data Analysis and Results
I. Aim To develop a simple monitoring system which can be understood by people specially the community members To collect necessary data that will determine the sustainable yield of forest products Important: PNRA should focus only on information that is relevant for people to manage their community forest PNRA has to be participatory
II. Methodology Experiences from CFNEN in Katima and Kanuvlei were used as guidance and input during the process Stratified Random Sampling Method was used Random Sample Points (Grid of 1 km x 1 km) over the map Monitoring Form (Description of the plot) Resource Assessment Form (Measurement Techniques)
Monitoring Form (Description)
Resource Assessment Form (Measurement Techniques) Tools: GPS Receivers Calipers Dendrometers Measuring Tape
Random Sample (Plots) Map and Compartments of Ncumcara CF Each group were given two compartments to collect data on 77 plots
III. Training Selection Criterias 6 Community Members and literates were trained Trial field forms exercise Quad bike operating GPS operating Forest Inventory and Measurement 5.Combined Trainings
IV. Cost Ncumcara Community Forest, ha 1. Training N$ Fuel N$ Food N$ LabourN$ (N$20.00/Sample plot, 154 plots) TotalN$ Total/haN$ 0.41/ha
V. Implementation The training was completed by the end of March 2006 The PNRA started in beginning of April The PNRA was done within 10 days
VI. Experienced learned No problem (s) or difficulties where experienced during the process Data where collected according to the requirements 8 random plots where re-assessed Analyzing of data is in progress and preliminary results will presented Update of PFMP to IFMP according to CF Guidelines shall be done. See page 69
Monitoring Form Descriptive information's Participatory Subjective Easy to record Cost efficient Analyzed data gives a good descriptive picture of the area Resource Assessment Form It is based on an inventory method Collection of “forest data” (specie, diameter, height of trunk, dead or live tree) More time consuming than monitoring Needs more specific skills Why two Forms?
Resource assessment is not a forest inventory Descriptive information's are difficult to process into forest relevant data (numbers) The data from both forms can be crosschecked A combined analysis gives a more detailed description of the area with specific data for a sustainable forest management The goal is to develop a Forest Management Plan which is understood by community members Participation creates ownership The resource monitors will get a better understanding of their forest, and this will help to understand the analyzed data
Outcome Forest relevant data (tables) Maps Management Plan
Attention The PNRA is not a forest inventory!!! The data can not be used for annual cut calculations!!!
What is the difference between a PNRA and a Forest Inventory? The PNRA is based on a stratified random sample points method which is applied over the whole Forest area A Forest Inventory can be also based on a stratified random sample points method but would be just applied for a tree stand ???
Diameter Distribution of the Total Number of Stems for Live Trees
Data analysis and Results
Forest Status
Timber Quality
Dead Wood
Grazing Quality
Thatching Grass
Grazing Pressure Thatching Grass Timber Availability
Preliminary Management Plan
Thank You!!!