Commercial Structures Parliament House, Canberra Photos: Geoff Boughton
Commercial Structures Timber has structural and aesthetic role For timber that can be touched Grain can be appreciated up close Smooth polished timber good to touch For timber at a distance, Colour is important, surface finish and grain pattern is not. Durability and fire resistance also important
Interior Use of Timber Decorative plywood panel Exposed cupola framework Round pole column What timber is structural? What timber can be touched? What characteristics are important for each element? Aboriginal Studies Building, Curtin University, Perth Photo: Geoff Boughton
Timber Stairs Requirements: Structural performance Appearance/feel Durability Stringers Balustrades Handrail Stair treads Balusters Aboriginal Studies Building, Curtin University, Perth Photo: Geoff Boughton
Timber Stairs RusticFunctionalDecorative Nanga Camp, Dwellingup Photo: Geoff Boughton Commercial building, Glenelg Photo: Geoff Boughton Photo: Keith Crews
Requirements: Structural performance – over-sizing of members Appearance – maintenance Durability – detailing, sealing, treatment External plywood Panelling External beams External columns Exterior Use of Timber Aboriginal Studies Building, Curtin University, Perth Photo: Geoff Boughton
Requirement : Durability - detailing end grain vs side grain End grain cap Protective coating Exterior Use of Timber - detailing Painting for protection Aboriginal Studies Building, Curtin University, Perth Photo: Geoff Boughton Home under construction, Sorrento, WA Geoff Boughton
Timber used next to steel and concrete Dimensional stability important – using seasoned product Detailing – accommodate shrinkage or movement Connections between different materials Cockle Bay Wharf Sydney Photo: Geoff Boughton
Unlimited architectural possibilities Even lighting brings out warmth and ambience of timber Office for Boulenger Samyn & Partners, Belgium Wood Design & Building: 11 Photo: Ch. Bastin, J Everard
Structural timber used as an architectural feature Office for Boulenger Samyn & Partners, Belgium Wood Design & Building: 11 Photo: Ch. Bastin, J Everard
Versatility and style Ambience created by tasteful timber design Connections designed for fire resistance Roof structure designed for upward and downward loads Long spans use manufactured wood products Acoustics often improved by many timber members in roof space Hidden connections Visible connections London Secondary School Richmond BC, Canada Photo: Canadian Wood Council Nakiska Ski Lodge, Kananaskis Alberta, Canada Photo: Canadian Wood Council
Lightweight elegance Timber and glass bring light and warmth Dimensional stability critical High strength product gives small section National wine Centre, Adelaide Photo: Trevor Fox Australian Timber Design: 11
Commercial structures Structural role Aesthetics Surface texture Light and colour Design for durability Detail for fire resistance Greenhouse, University of Wisconsin, USA Photo: Wood le Bois 30