USDA Forest Service
FS owns 8.5% of the total land area in United States
Organization of USFS Four main program components: National Forest System Forest Service Research & Development State and Private Forestry International Forestry
Organization of National Forest System Under Secretary of the Dept. of Agriculture Chief of FS Regional Foresters (9) Forest Supervisors District Rangers & staff State & Private Forestry Research & Development International Programs
Organization of National Forest System Under Secretary of the Dept. of Agriculture Chief of FS Regional Foresters (9) Forest Supervisors District Rangers & staff State & Private Forestry Research & Development International Programs
Research Stations (Regions) North Central Northeastern Pacific Southwest Rocky Mountain Pacific Northwest Southern
Northeastern Research Station
Organization of National Forest System Under Secretary of the Dept. of Agriculture Chief of FS Regional Foresters (9) Forest Supervisors District Rangers & staff State & Private Forestry Research & Development International Programs
Promotes sustainable forest management internationally through: Disaster Assistance Support Program Technical Cooperation Program Policy Program
International Programs Asian Longhorned beetle Beetle exit holes
Organization of National Forest System Under Secretary of the Dept. of Agriculture Chief of FS Regional Foresters (9) Forest Supervisors District Rangers & staff State & Private Forestry Research & Development International Programs
Forest Service Regions (9) Northern Rocky Mountain Southwestern Intermountain Pacific Southwest Pacific Northwest Southern Eastern Alaska
State & Private Forestry Conservation Education Cooperative Forestry Fire and Aviation Management Forest Health Management
Organization of National Forest System Under Secretary of the Dept. of Agriculture Chief of FS Regional Foresters (9) Forest Supervisors District Rangers & staff State & Private Forestry Research & Development International Programs
National Forest System National Forests National Grasslands National Wilderness Areas National Forest Roadless Areas
National Forests A large forest ecosystem used for recreation, timber, wildlife, range, and watershed purposes. Designated by Secretary of Agriculture. 155 NFs. Finger Lakes National Forest
National Grasslands A large grassland ecosystem used for recreation, range, wildlife, timber, and watershed purposes. Designated by Secretary of Agriculture. 20 NGs.
Little Missouri National Grassland, ND Prairie dogs Sharp-tailed grouse
Little Missouri National Grassland, ND Oil drilling Herding cattle
National Wilderness Areas Large, primitive areas preserved in their natural, untouched condition. Non-mechanical recreation permitted as long as wilderness character is not harmed. Designated by Congress. Pack trip on wilderness area in Shoshone NF
NF Roadless Areas Large, primitive areas located in NFs & NGs (85.5 million acres). While most RAs are roadless, some may have roads. Designated by Secretary of Agriculture or Chief of the Forest Service.
Evolution of the FS
Creation Act of 1891 Allowed the President to set aside forest reserve lands from the national public domain. Shoshone NF (original Yellowstone Timber Reserve)
Organic Administrative Act of 1897 Created the Division of Forests in the USDI for timber and water purposes. Gifford Pinchot, First FS Director
Transfer Act of 1905 Transferred the USDI Division of Forests to USDA. Created USDA Forest Service.
Weeks Act of 1911 Made it possible for the FS to purchase lands to protect navigable streams. Most of the forest reserve land in the east was purchased through this act. Nantahala River, Nantahala NF
Multiple-use Sustained- yield Act of 1960 Changed the purposes of the USFS to: Recreation Water Wildlife Timber Range Campground, Shoshone NF
Forest & Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 Mandated periodic assessment of forest and rangeland resources. Mandated long-range planning by the Forest Service.
National Forest Management Act of 1976 Required the USFS to create a management plan for each national forest. Made public input in the planning process mandatory.
Challenges for the USFS Increasing demand for recreation about 286 million recreational visits/year Federal budget problems Proposed 2004: $4.8 billion $96.5 million increase (uncontrollable costs) $24.4 million increase (other activities) $8.4 billion backlog in repairs & maintenance
Challenges for the USFS Necessity of increasing user fees Managing areas for multiple use Impacts of use on natural resources
CASE STUDY: Shoshone NF, Wyoming Rocky Mountain Region 2.5 million acres Annual budget $8.3 million
5 districts within the National Forest
Wildlife Management Culvert removal ON Squaw Creek to enable fish movement.
Wildlife Management Grizzly bear monitoring Visitor education about bears
Land Management Timber sales Fuel reduction harvests Grazing permits Prescribed burns
Fire Management & monitoring
Visitor Recreation Campground at Shoshone NF Trailer & tent camping permitted 164,000 visitor days spent camping (1997)
Visitor recreation Dispersed camping in 5 wilderness areas within Shoshone 1.4 million acres of wilderness Beartooth Mountains Wilderness Area
Visitor recreation Scenic driving on the Buffalo Bill Cody National Scenic Byway About 21,000 visitor days/year
Visitor Recreation Fishing platform
Visitor Recreation 1,388 miles of trails Popo Agie Wilderness Area
Visitor Recreation Pack trips
Visitor Recreation Many sites with the forest are on the National Register of Historic Places Wapiti Ranger Station
Many sites with the forest are on the National Register of Historic Places Mine shafts Visitor Recreation
Interpretation Limited to trailhead signs and several guidebooks
Cooperating with Local Business Owners Brooks Lake Lodge, Shoshone NF
Cooperating with Local Business Owners Sleeping Giant Ski Area, Shoshone NF