MSc Timber Engineering Scholarships
“It’s not all about Steel, Glass and Concrete…..”
The UK Timber Industry The UK is one of the largest consumers of timber and panel products in the world million m 3 of timber and panel products were consumed in the UK in % (8.4 million m 3 ) solid woods (soft woods and hardwoods). 37% (5 million m 3 ) panel products. £1.08 billion domestically produced timber. £1.81 billion of imported timber.
It’s sustainable ….. European forests grow annually by an area the size of Cyprus. Sustainable (& regulated) forestry. CO 2 is absorbed by growing trees; then stored in the timber.
Use of Timber in Construction New buildings. Repair, maintenance and improvement. Structural components of buildings. Packaging. Fencing. Outdoor products. Furniture.
It’s not all about timber frame………
Scottish Parliament (Holyrood opened 2004)
John Hope Gateway, Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh Cross laminated timber & glulam beams
Need for new engineers Edinburgh Napier University and industry have identified the need for a new generation of well qualified engineers. Engineers who have with an understanding of: the properties of timber the new and innovative timber products in the market modern methods of construction.
Tallest timber building in the world Nine stories of “cross laminated timber” (Murray Grove, London)
Career Opportunities for Timber Engineers Consulting engineering groups. International construction companies. Public sector (e.g. local authorities). Timber engineering specialist suppliers. Timber frame contractors. Timber and wood based panel supply chain companies. Manufacturers and suppliers of engineered wood products Scotland, UK and abroad.
MSc Timber Engineering This programme is tailored to the needs of industry and provides a broad education in timber engineering, sustainable design and project management. This study route satisfies the academic requirement for engineering graduates wishing to achieve Chartered Engineer status, which along with the practical experience you could gain with the sponsor company, could set you well on your way to becoming a Chartered Engineer. To be accepted onto the MSc Timber Engineering you must have a good (2:1 or above) undergraduate degree in Civil/Structural Engineering
MSc Timber Engineering Scholarships Scholarships from 13 companies are available to students enrolling on the MSc Timber Engineering for September 2014 start. Each scholarship is bespoke and includes: Full payment of fees £3,750 Company Mentor Employer related dissertation topic Part-time paid work experience Five of the 13 also provide a stipend towards living costs
MSc Timber Engineering Supporters Oregon Timber Frame Kinsgspan Potton KLH Norbord Structural Timber Association BSW Timber James Jones & Sons Accsys Technologies Arnold Laver Crown Timber Consolidated Timber Holdings SEMA4c Timber Trade Federation