An alternative scheme for preservation of heritage and sustainable development of Polish garden-cities Open Gardens Program
Agenda Historical context - Poland and Podkowa Architecture in Podkowa Lesna - different styles and influences Open Gardens Program, ideas, objectives, history and future
Historical Context Poland between the Wars 1925 Garden-city of Podkowa Leśna
Architecture Urban plan by Antoni Jawornicki
1918 independence after over 120 years of partition Revival of Polish manor house style (typical home build by Polish nobility) Architecture
Searching roots of polishness in folk culture Arts & Crafts influences
Architecture Modern style International style
Architecture Communist philosophy Traditional architecture neglected, building crafts skills forgotten New architectural models invented 1989 – today Esthetic sensibility suffers after 50 years of communism Wild development without traditional basis, avoiding building rules 20 century heritage less important Conservation authorities far away Lack of NGOs
Open Gardens Program “Local language” of preservation versus hierarchical system of conservation authorities
Objectives Raising awarness of cultural and natural heritage (stressing domestic rather than monumental architercture of the 1920 – 30’s) Networking of local instututions, NGOs, experts, inhabitants Build platform for local initiatives Networking of green towns
Open Gardens Events Open Gardens Festival Educational Programs
Open Gardens Festival Open forgotten places - alternative use of historic spaces during the Festival (in scope of European Heritage Days) Integrate local communities around issues conected to heritage
Education Workshop on the regeneration of the city park Inventarisation of endangered timber villa Tell me your story, documentation of endangered oral stories
Education Home, Garden, City - Lifestyle for the 21 century Garden-city, dialog with surroundings Soul of Architecture - documenting endangered architectural detail from s
Conceptual prototype was build in Podkowa Lesna Open Gardens in garden-city Preservation by fun and direct contact with heritage Interdisciplinarity Language of art and hands-on workshops Cooperation with all possible stakeholders - networking people and institutions – building platform for local initiatives
Expanding concepts 2005 the Program starts in Podkowa Lesna (preservation of material heritage) 2006 three towns participate (focus also on documentation of symbolic culture) In 2007 five towns participate (smart growth concepts introduced) In 2007 the Open Gardens Program raised international interest
Future of Open Gardens Program Open Gardens as a model for expanding the network of green towns and garden-cities located in the green belt around Warsaw Creating new institution Focus on education and documentation of heritage, support green thinking International cooperation
Thank You Magdalena Prosińska Tel: 00/49/30/