Dr. B.V.Pattabhi ram M.A, Ph.D
Most of our beliefs are generali- zations about our experiences
Our beliefs based on our interpretations of painful and pleasureable experiences
Beliefs have the power to create and destroy too
Drugs are always not necessary but belief may help for the recovery
All the personal breakthroughs begin with a change of belief......Tho mas A Edison, Abraham Linclon
Pain is the ultimate tool for shifting a belief No pain----- No gain
Small changes and improve- ments are believable, therefore acheivable
Good timber does not grow with ease, the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees
Even thousand miles journey starts with one single step only
The most powerful nation in this world is Imagination
Once we effect any change in our behaviour, we should reinforce it immediately, so that we can condition our nervous system. Your nervous system need 21 trials to make or break a habit
Dr. B. V. PATTABHI RAM MA(psy), MA(phil), MA(pa),Ph.D Director PRASHANTHI COUNSELLING CENTRE E-1, Samrat Complex, Opp: AG’s Office Secretariat Road, Hyderabad Ph: Fax: Website: