AIM This research focus on using Acacia mangium as a single raw material in producing particleboard.
CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Research Objectives 3. Materials and Methods 4. Results and discussion 5. Conclusions and Recommendations 6. Publications
INTRODUCTION Wood industry in Malaysia Wood composite products Particleboard industry outlook in Malaysia Demand and usage of particleboard Demand for raw material
MalaysiaActualUpdate ( 11 Company ) *plant in East Malaysia CapacityProduction Line CapacityProduction Line Evergreen 100, Heveaboard 525, Jayakuik* 60, Longlang 30, Merbok 60, MIECO 940, ,000 2 NLS 30, Pan Panel 50, Pahanco 100, ,000 1 Sinora (Samling)* 50, ,000 1 Subur Tiasa Particle* 120, Total Capacity 2,065, ,891,00014 Malaysian particle board Industry Overview Source: The 8th Meeting (July 7th, 2006)Thailand–Malaysia–Indonesia Particleboard Manufacturers Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Justification The tropical forest will be disappearing at the rate of million ha/year All wood industries in Malaysia is getting a serious problem on getting the raw materials. Plantation species as a raw material for future.
Objectives 1. To study the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard using A. mangium as a raw material 2. To compare the physical properties of A.mangium particleboard to mixed wood particleboard 3. To compare the mechanical properties of A.mangium particle board to mixed wood particleboard
Why I choose A.mangium ? Acacia mangium is a fast-growing and evergreen species. Extremely vigorous growth (annual wood volume increment of over 30 cubic meters per hectare on favorable sites) A.mangium falls under the light hardwood classification with mechanical properties MOR (modules of Ruptures): 74.5N/mm 2 MOE (Modules of Elasticity ): 9908N/mm 2
Relative freedom from diseases Adapted to a wide range of acidic soils (pH ). Rotation years is very small and Available plenty in Sabah.
Fast Growing Species Planted in Sabah, Malaysia in 2004 Species Area (ha) % Of Total Fast Growing % Total Area A.mangium Other Acacia spp Paraserianthes falcataria Gmelina arborea Eucalyptus deglupta Eucalyptus grandis Other Eucalyptus spp Other Species 75,120 4,773 8,642 4,463 1,767 9,962 1,530 1, Total107, Source: Sabah Forestry Department, 2004
Total of A.mangium Plantation, Tree Plantation and Allocation Acreage for Industrial Timber Plantation (ITP) in Sabah AgencyEarmarked Area for ITP (ha) Total Planted Area (ha) A.mangium (ha) Total for Sabah SAFODA SFI SSB BENTAWAWAS AN Total 4 Agencies Percentage from Overall Sabah 60.6%86.5%92.1% Source: Sabah Forestry Department 2004
Total Planted Area for A.mangium 78, 592 hectares Harvesting Estimation/hectare120 m³/ha Existing Volume Estimate for next 7 years 9, 431, 040 m³/ha Total average A.mangium can be produced/year 1, m³/ha Assumption on 20% of volume discard during harvesting 269, 458 m³/ha Yield per year1, 077, 833 m³/ha Source: Sabah Forestry Department 2004 Estimated A.mangium Stock in Sabah for year 2003 ~ 2010
Sampling Acacia logs were extracted from Paitan forest plantation in Kudat, Sabah The age of A.mangium used is between 6-8 years. While mixed hardwood like Shorea spp., Dryobalanops spp., and other timbers (O.T) were obtained from neighboring sawmills and plywood mills such as Sri Jambongan and Seraya Sawmill.
Location Map Kudat
Raw Material Chipping FlakingDrying Process flow Particle board production
Screening Glue Blending Mat Forming Hot Pressing
Cooling Trimming & Staking Sanding
Density Comparison between A.mangium & Mixed Hardwood Board
Thickness Swelling Comparison between Unsanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Boards
Bending Strength Comparison between Unsanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Boards
Internal Bond Comparison between Unsanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Boards
Surface Bond Comparison between Unsanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Board
Screw Holding Comparison between Unsanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Boards
Density Comparison between Sanded A.mangium & Mixed Hardwood Board
Thickness Swelling Comparison between sanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Boards
Bending Strength Comparison between Sanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Boards
Internal Bond Comparison between Sanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Boards
Surface Bond Comparison between Sanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Boards
Screw Holding Comparison between Sanded A.mangium and Mixed Hardwood Boards
ANOVA REULTS Physical properties of unsanded A.mangium and mixed wood particleboard Analysis P-value Density0.004(*) Swelling(2hrs)0.559(n.s) Swelling (24hrs)0.787(n.s) *Significant n.s= Non Significant
Mechanical properties of unsanded A. mangium and mixed wood particle board Analysis P-value Bending strength0.001(*) Internal bond (n.s) Surface bond0.169 (n.s) Screw holding 0.014(*) *Significant n.s= Non Significant Cont…
Physical properties of Sanded A.mangium and mixed wood particleboard Analysis P-value Density0.001(*) Swelling(2hrs)0.197(n.s) Swelling (24hrs)0.832(n.s) *Significant n.s= Non Significant Cont…
Mechanical properties of Sanded A. mangium and mixed wood particle board Analysis P-value Bending strength0.001(*) Internal bond (n.s) Surface bond0.072 (n.s) Screw holding 0.016(*) *Significant n.s= Non Significant Cont…
CONCLUSIONS The physical and mechanical properties of the particle board produced from A. mangium proved that A.mangium can be used as a single raw material in producing particle board. The physical properties of the mixed wood and A. mangium, A. mangium have lower density compare with the mixed wood and the swelling properties are almost the same.
Cont… The mechanical properties of A. mangium and mixed wood, A. mangium have better bending strength and screw holding compare to mixed hardwood particle board and in terms of the surface bond and the internal bond the properties are almost the same.
Contributions of the study This research has successfully proved that Acacia mangium can be an option in particleboard industry especially in Sabah. The study states that A.mangium can be used as a single raw material for making particle board It prove that particle board produced from A.mangium can be compete with particle board produced from other species as a raw material A step towards utilizing the A.mangium fully from the plantation
Publications 1. Acacia mangium wood particle board properties NATPRO(poster-paper august 2006) 2. Acacia mangium wood particle board properties( Sabah International Expo 2006 (poster-paper August 2006) 3. Acacia mangium wood particle board properties( 1 st Conference on Bio composite products (poster- paper 5 th September 2006)
Victor P. Xavier School of International Tropical Forestry Universiti Malaysia Sabah