Approaching its 20th birthday: How PPRNet can Stay Relevant and help Practices Improve the Quality of Primary Care Through "Meaningful" EHR Use 19 Annual PPRNet Meeting Charleston, SC August 23, 2014 Steven Ornstein, MD Professor of Family Medicine Founder, PPRNet PPRNet August 22-24, 2013 ©PPRNet 2014
“ To Whom (or What) are We Wedded?” PPRNet August 22-24, 2013 ©PPRNet 2014 de nouveau
To Whom Are We Wedded 1.You 2.Our research partners and funders 3.Any primary care practice that wants to join us PPRNet August 21-23, 2014 ©PPRNet 2014
To What We are Wedded ( ) Help you through new extract process Become a QCDR Enroll practices using other vendor products Work with anyone to bring PPRNet to your community practices Persevere with current project and grant applications PPRNet August 21-23, 2014 ©PPRNet 2014
To What Else Should we be Wedded ( )? CME PIP Meeting(s) Anything else PPRNet August 21-23, 2014 ©PPRNet 2014
CME: Performance in Practice (PIP) Performance improvement (PI) activities describe structured, long-term processes by which a physician or group of physicians can learn about specific performance measures, retrospectively assess their practice, apply performance measures prospectively over a useful interval, and reevaluate their performance. Should PPRNet be a CME provider for PIP? PPRNet August 21-23, 2014 ©PPRNet 2014
Meetings 2015 Alaska Cruise: May-June? Charleston August? Other ideas PPRNet August 21-23, 2014 ©PPRNet 2014
Should We be Wedded to Anything Else PPRNet August 21-23, 2014 ©PPRNet 2014
PPRNet BBQ Everyone invited Start at 6 PM Team effort 5050 Timber Race Course Hollywood SC PPRNet August 21-23, 2014 ©PPRNet 2014
Ask Siri PPRNet August 21-23, 2014 ©PPRNet 2014
Thank you Attending Our Meeting PPRNet August 21-23, 2014 ©PPRNet 2014