A Career in Forestry? Opportunities in BC Resource Management
Sunset or sunrise?
BC: Most diverse in Canada 58% forests!
Some of the most productive forests in the world
BC Coast 32% of BC’s forests
BC Interior 68% of BC’s forests
Forest Resource Management …A Diversity of Jobs Planning: road engineering, harvesting layout, timber cruising, modeling, mapping (GIS)
…A Diversity of Jobs Silviculture: prescriptions, surveys and assessments, site preparation, planting, vegetation management, spacing, thinning
…A Diversity of Jobs Management: supervising crews and contractors, administration, accounting Specialists: research, site classification, forest growth & inventory, genetics, soils, ecology, hydrology (water), fisheries, wildlife, computers...
Professional and Technical Jobs Professional: Managers, accountants, foresters, engineers, specialists, research scientists, auditors Technical: Forestry technician, field engineering, GIS technician, other technicians
Diverse Employers Forest Companies - large multi-national to small businesses Government - Band Council, Communities, Federal, Provincial Private Consulting: All sizes of businesses Academic: Colleges and Universities
Future Opportunities Increasing complexity of management Diverse values More specialists needed Retiring baby- boomers!
Managing for multiple values
It’s not just about trees
Innovation is needed Standing stem harvesting
Forestry isn’t rocket science… it’s way more complex! Dr. Fred Bunnell
A challenging career! No life like it!