“NUTS AND BOLTS” OF ADD/DROP FOR J.D. STUDENTS AUGUST 2014 Office of the Registrar 600 New Jersey Avenue NW Washington DC , facsimile
Add/Drop Schedule First Waitlist Lottery – August 28, 2014 Add yourself to the waitlist by 5:00 pm on August 28 First waitlist lottery results available on August 29 Fall 2014 – September 2-9, 2014 Last Chance Lottery for Fall 2014 courses only: Details to be provided during add/drop. Spring 2015 – January 12-20, 2015 Last Chance Lottery for Spring 2015 courses only: Details to be provided during add/drop.
Course Registration Website
A DDING, D ROPPING, AND W AITLISTING THROUGH M Y A CCESS Open MyAccess from the Registrar’s website:
Click on MyAccess
Enter your NetID and NetID Password
Click on Student Services Click on Registration
Select the term you would like to view: Click on Registration (Add, Drop, or Waitlist Courses)
Your current schedule will be displayed
To view your place on a waitlist, click on My Waitlist
Sage Waitlisting Advice Once you have confirmed that you are waitlisted for a course, breathe and relax. Do not attempt to waitlist yourself for the same course. Doing so will change your waitlist priority. Check the Waitlist Lottery results each day. You must claim your seat via MyAccess on the day the seat is won, or you forfeit the seat. Have faith in the process and follow instructions.
If you see “Winner” under Waitlist Status for any courses, you can claim your seat on the Add or Drop Courses page On the Add or Drop Courses page, choose Web Registered from the Action menu to claim a seat that you won off the waitlist, and click Submit Changes
Attendance Policy If enrolled in a course with a mandatory first and/or second attendance policy, you must attend first and/or second class in order to remain enrolled. If waitlisted in a course with a mandatory first and/or second attendance policy, you must attend first and/or second class in order to have an opportunity to be enrolled. Georgetown Law requires regular and punctual attendance at all class meetings. Failure to meet this requirement may result in your withdrawal from the course.
Registration Regulations for Full-Time J.D. Students have registration priority for §§ 01 through 04 courses; may register for 12 to 16 credits per semester; may hold up to 18 credits until the end of Add/Drop; (NOTE: JD students are not permitted to take 18 credits or more and may only take 17 credits with permission of an academic advisor or the Registrar.) may take up to 6 credits of LLM courses in their JD career; may take up to 6 credits of Graduate School courses on the Main Campus with permission from Director of J.D. Programs; may take 7 credits pass/fail and only exercise the option in one course per semester (see the Student Handbook or an academic advisor for more information); may hold an unlimited number of waitlist credits; may register for any needed first-year courses by sending an request to the Registrar’s Office at and may drop a course from his/her schedule by the end of the add/drop period without a transcript notation. Withdrawals are subject to the Tuition Refund Schedule.
Registration Regulations for Part-Time J.D. Students have registration priority for §§ 07, 17, 27 & 97 courses; may register for 8 to 12 credits per semester; may take up to 6 credits of LLM courses in their JD career; may take up to 6 credits of Graduate School courses on the Main Campus with permission from Director of J.D. Programs ; may take 7 credits pass/fail and only exercise the option in one course per semester (see the Student Handbook or an academic advisor for more information) ; may hold an unlimited number of waitlist credits; may register for any needed first-year courses by sending an request to the Registrar’s Office at may drop a course from his/her schedule by the end of the add/drop period without a transcript notation. Withdrawals are subject to the Tuition Refund Schedule.
Pass/Fail Option Pass/Fail credit maximum is 7 credits. Mandatory pass/fail courses do not count towards this maximum. Check eligible upperclass JD courses available to be taken Pass/Fail basis. Elect Fall 2014 Pass/Fail course selection – September 2 through 5:00 pm on September 16 Select Fall 2014 Pass/Fail Target Grade – 5:00 pm on October 10. Please note no exceptions to the deadlines!
Course Withdrawal after Add/Drop In order to withdraw from an upperlevel course, you must complete the Course Withdrawal form and schedule an appointment to meet with an Academic Advisor. The form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day of class for the course in which you are requesting the withdrawal, so please plan accordingly. Students who do not receive approval by the last day of class are expected to complete all course requirements (papers/exams).
Course Withdrawal Form
Exams and Grading Exams at the Law Center are graded on an anonymous basis. Exams cannot be administered earlier than published date. Do not reveal your identity as the author of an examination in your answers. Do not communicate with your professor, or otherwise discuss the substance of the exam with your professor(s) or with any other student from the time the exam is first administered until after grades are published.
Exam Conflicts Exam conflicts resolved by the Office of the Registrar. Students with exam conflicts will automatically be assigned a new exam schedule approximately six weeks before the exam period. Students will be notified of the new exam dates and times via . New exam schedule will be available on the Online Exam/Paper Management System.
Exam Deferrals Exam deferrals approved the Office of the Registrar NOT your professor(s). Deferrals approved for extraordinary cause: Physical or Mental Illness Death or serious illness in immediate family Automobile accident, mugging, robbery, or similar traumatic experience at the time of the exam or period immediately preceding the exam Subpoena requiring court appearance at the time of the exam or period immediately preceding the exam Childbirth during the exam period or immediately preceding the exam period (applies to either parent) Religious holiday Military commitment Extraordinary circumstances
Grade Sanctions Section 402, Conduct Code Failure to take an examination or timely submit a take-home examination may result in a grade of AF [Administrative F]. Failure to submit a final paper by the due date (including any extension), will receive a grade of AF [Administrative F] for the seminar. AF reflected on the student’s transcript. AF factored into the student’s cumulative grade point average as an earned F. Take-home examinations submitted within sixty minutes after the time allowed expires – First offense – Administrative Pass [AP] assigned by Office of the Registrar if passing grade awarded by professor; AP grade will not factor into the student’s GPA; Second and subsequent offense—administered under the Student Disciplinary Code.
Office of the Registrar 315 McDonough Hall Office Hours: August :30 am to 6:00 pm Phone: (202) Fax: (202) URL: services/registrar Class cancellations recording: (202)