Computer Graphics and Animation (AT70.09) Comp. Sc. and Inf. Mgmt. Asian Institute of Technology
Course Overview Page 1 Instructor: Prof. Sumanta Guha Office: CSIM Bldg Telephone: (5714 in AIT) Credits: 3(3-0) Prerequisite: Officially none But you do need to know basic co-ordinate geometry, trigonometry, and linear algebra – take the Math Self-Test at the course website Course Website:
Course Overview Page 2 Class times: Mon. & Th. 14:00-16:00 Class room: CSIM lab = CS 210 Discussion Group: Yahoo group – ait_csim_cga ( ) The group is currently open for all to join. This will be changed later. Go to the group website to join. Important: All course-related questions outside of class or office should not be sent by individual to the instructor – they should be posted to the discussion group!! Responses may be made by students as well. The instructor will constantly monitor the group and participate in discussions and try to answer questions. This way everybody benefits. Announcements by the instructor will be posted to the group. Please check the group frequently and please participate in discussions !!
Course Overview Page 3 Textbooks (required): S. Guha (2014) – Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, 2 nd edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC Downloads (source code, etc.) at D. Shreiner (2013) – OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 4.3 (8 th Edition), Addison Wesley, called the red book Brief Course Outline: Chapters 1-14 of CGTO supplemented with the red book Advanced topics (to be announced)
Course Overview Page 4 Objectives: To introduce 3-dimensional computer graphics and animation as a practical discipline and to learn theory that will enable our understanding of 3D graphics programming. 3D graphics with animation is everywhere, from advertising to entertainment to scientific applications. Our goal will be to reach a point in understanding and practice that we shall be able to go out and function productively in any 3D programming environment. The graphics API used (with C or C++) is the industry-standard OpenGL. Students will right from the start use OpenGL to code up and animate 3D objects and scenes. We believe in learning by doing. As we proceed to learn and use OpenGL we shall pick up the underlying theory, mostly the mathematics of geometric transformations and various implementation algorithms. This will be a practical course !! Almost all lectures will be delivered in the lab with students learning concepts by running and modifying live OpenGL code through the class period. There will be weekly programming assignments.
Course Overview Page 5 Reference Books: E. Angel (2005) - Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach using OpenGL (4 th Edition), Addison Wesley J.D. Foley et al (1990) – Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (2 nd Edition), Addison Wesley J.D. Foley et al (1993) – Introduction to Computer Graphics, Addison Wesley D. Hearn and M.P. Baker (2003) – Computer Graphics with OpenGL (3rd Edition), Prentice Hall F.S. Hill (2001) – Computer Graphics using Open GL (2 nd Edition), Prentice Hall D. Shreiner (2004) – OpenGL ® Reference Manual: The Official Reference Document to OpenGL, Version 1.4 (4 th Edition), Addison Wesley P. Shirley, et al (2005) – Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (2 nd Edition), A. K. Peters R.S. Wright Jr. and B. Lipchak (2004) – OpenGL SuperBible (3 rd Edition), Waite Group Press
Course Overview Page 6 Grading System: Mid-sem – 20% Final – 30% Programming Assignments – 30% Final Programming Project – 20% More details will be provided as we go along. Monitor the discussion group for announcements! Enjoy the Course! Be enthusiastic about the material because it is interesting, practical, and extremely important in the modern day world. Our job is to help you learn and enjoy the experience. We will do our best but we also need your help. So let’s all have fun together with computer graphics and animation…!!!