Asbestos Awareness Course Presented by: Jonathan M. Davis, JD
Introduction Asbestos is naturally occurring fibrous mineral silicate. Six different types divided into two mineral groups. Serpentine and Amphiboles are the two mineral groups. Asbestos breaks down into fibers. Fibers take on aerodynamic quality and behave in a gas-like manner.
Introduction Serpentine Mineral Group: Chrysotile white asbestos is most common in US. Fibers are long, wavy, hollow and snake- like in appearance. Hygroscopic-easily absorbs moisture. Mined since 1870’s.
Introduction Amphiboles Mineral Group: Amosite is brown in color and was first mined in South Africa in Fibers are short, solid or dowel-like in appearance. Fibers are hydrophobic. Crocidolite is blue in color and very rare.
Friable and Non-Friable ACM EPA Defintion of Friable: Easily crushed, crumbled or pulverized into powder by hand pressure.
Examples of Friable ACM Spray on fire proofing Plaster Pipe insulation Boiler breeching Decorative Plaster Sheet rock
Examples of Non-Friable ACM Floor tiles Mastics and adhesives Roofing materials Transite Window caulking Siding and Shingles Brake pads
Properties of Asbestos Heat/fire resistance Chemical/biological resistance High tensile strength Non-conductive Friction resistance Decorative applications
Regulatory Summary