Special Education Annual Report for to the Board of Education Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District November 2, 2009
The State Performance Plan SED Target 1: a graduation rate for SWDs greater than 38% JD’s graduation rate for students with disabilities was 69% SED Target 2: a drop out rate for SWDs less than 17% JD’s drop out rate for students with disabilities was 4% SED Target 2: a drop out rate for SWDs less than 17% JD’s drop out rate for students with disabilities was 4%
Continuum of Services Consultant Teacher Services Related Services Declassification Support Services Resource Room Services Integrated Co-Teaching Services Special Class Services Out-of-District Placements (BOCES) Home/Hospital Instruction Residential Placement
Behavior Management Program Review Designed for identified students that require a high level of support due to behavioral and/or emotional needs that impact educational performance One program at each level - high school, middle school, and one shared elementary (at Moses) Provides a high level of integration in general ed Concerns: Academic success rate Decrease student behaviors
Behavior Management Program Recommendations: Team approach Increased targeted academic intervention Increased targeted behavior Data supported decision making Increased communication
Disability Category Autism Emotional Disturbance1278 Learning Disability Mental Retardation9887 Deafness0000 Hearing Impairment3220 Speech/Language Imp Visual Impairment0000 Orthopedic Impairment1112 Other Health Impairment Multiple Disabilities Deaf-Blind0000 Traumatic Brain Injury0000 TOTAL
Historical Overview of CategoriesNYS2000JD2000 NYS 2008 JD2008 Autism 1.7%.6%4.7%6.8% Mental Retardation 4.0%2.5%3.2%2.2% Learning Disability 50.6%57.4%39.8%44.1% Speech/Language Impaired 17.3%13.3%23.1%15.7% Other Health Impaired 6.6%11.4%13.6%25.9% Emotionally Disturbed 11.0%3.8%8.5%2.2%
Committee on Preschool Special Education Number of Preschoolers Receiving Services JD total as of 12/ Special Class Integrated Itinerant or related services Entered K with services
Nonpublic Schools - Services # of Students Receiving Services from JD July - Oct Residing in district 569 Residing in other districts Total434452
Nonpublic Schools - Evaluations # of Students Receiving Evaluations July - Oct In nonpublic schools completed 19 pending
CSE Meetings # of Meetings Preschool Jamesville Elementary Moses DeWitt Tecumseh JD Middle School JD High School Nonpublic Schools Total
Transition Beginning at age 15 the IEP must include a statement of the needed transition services that promote movement from school to post-school opportunities, before the student leaves the school setting. The IEP must include those transition services/activities in each of the following areas as appropriate instruction, instruction, related services, related services, employment and other post-school adult living objectives, employment and other post-school adult living objectives, community living experiences, activities of daily living, community living experiences, activities of daily living, functional vocational assessment, if appropriate. functional vocational assessment, if appropriate.
Thank You