Unit #19 Tip of the week— Most nouns are pluralized by adding -s to the end. Add –es to pluralize words ending in s, x, z, ch or sh.
Tip words— 1) restaurants There’s an ant in the restaurant. 2) calendars Lend a ruler to create the calendar.
Academic Verbs— 3) indicate to show or be a sign of Her verbal comebacks indicate a witty mind. 4) benefit to make better Grammar knowledge will benefit your writing.
Commonly misspelled words— 5) disappoint See sap and point in disappoint. 6) especially e + special + ly
Roots/prefixes/suffixes— nov = new mater/matri = mother punct = point, dot ject = to throw
7) novel a new book; unique 8) matriarchal mother-centered 9) punctuation the dots that help us read and understand 10) interject “to throw” words between (interrupt)
Commonly confused words— 11) accept (v., to receive) Will you accept an honest critique? 12) except (prep., used for exclusion) “I before e except after c…”