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PowerPoint slides and Photos by Patrick Lana, MMR unless otherwise noted. Photos have been compressed to reduce file size so quality may vary. Friends of the Burlington Northern RR 2011 Convention Gillette, Wyoming This PowerPoint presentation shows some of the highlights of the 2011 FOBNR) convention in Gillette, Wyoming from June 8-12, This PowerPoint presentation shows some of the highlights of the 2011 Friends of the Burlington Northern RR (FOBNR) convention in Gillette, Wyoming from June 8-12, My thanks to Rodney Black, Kent Charles, Dean Dickerhoof, Peter Ferch, John Parker, Dave Poplawski, Boras Rosser and Gary Seymour for the use of their photos in this presentation.
Dean Dickerhoof, Rodney Black and I rode with Kent Charles who drove up from his home in Maricopa, AZ. We left Denver metro area about 8am June 8 for Gillette, WY and the FOBNR Convention. We followed US 25 to Douglas, WY where we stopped for lunch and a look at the Douglas Railroad Interpretive Center. Introduction
On the way to Gillette Douglas, WY Railroad Interpretive Center CB&Q #
On the way to Gillette Douglas, WY Railroad Interpretive Center CB&Q #14140 Wooden Caboose
From Douglas, WY, we followed Wyoming 59 and back roads to maximize our railfanning opportunities in the Powder River Basin. We arrived in Gillette about 5:30pm at the Best Western Hotel. On the way to Gillette Southern Powder River Basin Mines Source: Union Pacific RR
On the way to Gillette South of Bill, Wyoming Kent Charles Photo
On the way to Gillette Our First Drag Line Cordero Mining Co. #150 Note pickup
On the way to Gillette Cordero Mine Local Wildlife Loaded BNSF ready to depart Northbound
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Wednesday Evening, June 8, 2011 John and Dave handled registration at the Best Western Tower West Lodge. Rodney Black Photo
FOBNR President John Adams welcoming attendees Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Wednesday Evening, June 8, 2011 After our “All Aboard” dinner at Appleby’s, we returned to the hotel for the opening welcome and slide presentations. Convention Organizer Kent Charles explaining logistics.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011 We carpooled to Hill City, SD to ride the 1880 Train through the Black Hills. We followed the BNSF Line to Alliance. The weather was overcast and rainy.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011 The BNSF Line to Alliance had a M.O.W. window open so very few trains. Empties headed to Gillette
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011 We followed the BNSF Line to Alliance. CB&Q depot at Newcastle, Wyo. Dean Dickerhoof Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011, The 1880 Train Black Hills Central #110 refueling at the Hill City Shops. Photo taken from the station which is the original CB&Q Depot.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011, The 1880 Train Black Hills Central #110. #110 is a T articulated Mallet built by Baldwin Locomotive Works in Kent Charles Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011, The 1880 Train The FOBNR Attendees on board the Black Hills Central coach “Bluebird”. The car was a CB&Q flatcar transformed by the Black Hills Central car shop.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011, The 1880 Train Keystone is the other end of the line for the 1880 Train. Here, #110 moves from one end of the train to the other for the return to Hill City. Dean Dickerhoof Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011 After the 1880 Train ride, we toured the South Dakota State Railroad Museum which is adjacent to the train station. The museum has a 70 foot long timeline depicting South Dakota and American RR history. The last entry on the time line is to the right…
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011 South Dakota State Railroad Museum Timeline. Peter Ferch photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011 South Dakota State Railroad Museum Mr. Rick Mills, Museum’s Executive Director, presented the colorful history of Black Hills railroading.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday June 9, 2011 A last look at the sights at the 1880 Train before we returned to Gillette. BN Caboose #19866 above was originally a Northern Pacific Caboose built in 1906.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday Evening, June 9, 2011 Kent Charles presented selected scans of Jack Keers’ slides which will be added to the FOBNR website. Jack Keers, 75, Pipestone, (MN) died April 1, He joined the Pipestone Fire Department in 1954 and served for 31 years, including the years from 1974 to 1977 when he was fire chief. He also belonged to the Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association. In 1979, he became a board member of Historic Pipestone, Inc., and for ten years he served on the Heritage Preservation Commission. He was a county commissioner and was named commissioner of the year in He also received an Outstanding Service Award for the improvement of county government in Minnesota. His slides of BN and BNSF trains were donated to the Friends of the Burlington Northern Historical Society after his passing. Following are some examples of his slides:
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday Evening, June 9, 2011 Photo by Jack Keers as scanned by Kent Charles for the FOBNR.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday Evening, June 9, 2011 Photo by Jack Keers as scanned by Kent Charles for the FOBNR.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday Evening, June 9, 2011 Photo by Jack Keers as scanned by Kent Charles for the FOBNR.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Thursday Evening, June 9, 2011 Photo by Jack Keers as scanned by Kent Charles for the FOBNR.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday morning June 10, 2011 FOBNR Group Photo on BN U30C #5802 which is “stuffed and mounted” at the Gillette Wyoming Cam-Plex display area. Notice anything unusual in the paint scheme?
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday morning June 10, 2011 Did you notice the BN herald on the cab was applied backward? Doug and Barb Geiger in the cab.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday morning June 10, 2011 Black Thunder Mine Tour Arch Coal’s Black Thunder Mine is the largest single coal-mining complex in the world. The mine produces the energy equivalent of 1 million barrels of crude oil every day. It produces nearly 4 tons of coal per second – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and supplies over 10% of America’s coal.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday morning June 10, 2011 Black Thunder Mine Tour One of the Mining trucks we saw at the Black Thunder mine. Note tons being carried on digital readout. Gary Seymour Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday morning June 10, 2011 Black Thunder Mine Tour The Ursa Major drag line that was working at Black Thunder. Gary Seymour Photo Front end Loader
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday morning, June 10, 2011 Black Thunder Mine Tour FOBNR Tour Group with 1 st haul truck at Black Thunder Mine. Dean Dickerhoof photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Afternoon June 10, 2011 Eagle Butte Mine Tour The Alpha Eagle Butte Mine tour was open to the public while Black Thunder was not. Here is their new pit on the west side of Hwy 59. The lower dragline is working on the coal seam while the upper shovel is working on overburden. School Bus Kent Charles Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Afternoon June 10, 2011 Eagle Butte Mine Tour While at the Alpha Eagle Butte Mine, we observed a small blast on the overburden. Kent Charles Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Afternoon June 10, 2011 Eagle Butte Mine Tour This is a CAT 240 ton haul truck. Replacement cost about $2.5 million. 1,200 gallon diesel fuel capacity. Weight empty about 185 tons. Note the two youngest members of our group pushing the truck into place!
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday June 10 After dinner at the Chop House we walked across the pedestrian bridge at the downtown Gillette Yard. The photo looks east. This is a very small yard. The next day we would tour the huge coal staging yard east of town.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Evening June 10 After the Membership and Board meeting was held, more slides! This is a National Farmers Organization grain car that Dave Poplawski and his Dad loaded by grain truck. Dave Poplawski slide
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Evening June 10 Pile Driver in Aberdeen. Peter Ferch slide Peter Ferch presented a great collection of BN slides. An example:
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Evening June 10 BNSF 8932 West at South Edgemont, SD. Boras Rosser slide Boras Rosser presented a great collection of BNSF slides. A few examples:
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Evening June 10 Helpers in the pocket as the DPU’s clear, Crawford Hill. Boras Rosser slide Boras Rosser presented a great collection of BNSF slides. A few examples:
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Evening June 10 BNSF 5343 West near Home Valley, WA on the Fallbridge sub. Boras Rosser slide Boras Rosser presented a great collection of BNSF slides. A few examples:
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Evening June 10 BNSF 4896East approaching the Marias Pass summit. Boras Rosser slide Boras Rosser presented a great collection of BNSF slides. A few examples:
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Friday Evening June 10 BNSF 4896 East at the Two Medicine Bridge, East Glacier, MT. Boras Rosser slide Boras Rosser presented a great collection of BNSF slides. A few examples:
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday morning June 11 More Railfanning North of Gillette at what may be the Rawhide Mine load out and power plant.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday morning June 11 More Railfanning At the Cordero Rojo Mine, the pick-up truck was actually smashed by a large load truck similar to the one pictured. John Parker Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday morning June 11 Donkey Creek Yard Tour About 10:30am, we caravanned out to Donkey Creek Yard from the hotel with our tour guide Will Cunningham, Manager of BNSF Coal Operations in Gillette, leading the way. Dave Poplawski Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday morning June 11 Donkey Creek Yard Tour Will Cunningham, Manager of BNSF Coal Operations in Gillette, is pointing to a detail in the arrival/departure tracks. We could not have asked for a better guide and the trainmaster presenters were also outstanding…
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday morning June 11 Donkey Creek Yard Tour Our presenters at the Yard Office were left to right Tyler, Patrick (both Trainmasters) and Will. Tyler said he wanted to be there just to see what a bunch of “Foamers” looked like. I am sure we did not disappoint!
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday morning June 11 Donkey Creek Yard Tour Above are two locomotives being fueled by truck. Rather than bring the locos to a fueling track the truck comes to the locos. Below is the fueling station where trucks reload. Fuel is brought in by the tank car load. This is a contract operation. Donkey Creek Yard Crew Kent Charles Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 11 More Railfanning After a quick fast food lunch, we headed downtown to the crew building where we shot this John Wayne Poster. The painter is or was a BNSF employee. Sign in Wilmer Yard. Peter Ferch Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 11 More Railfanning Then it was over to the Rock Pile Museum where we shot this BN caboose. It had a beautifully restored interior complete with chairs, desks and all the details, including radio and fusee box. The Rock Pile Museum also contained this outside braced CB&Q Boxcar. Rodney Black Photo The Rock Pile Museum BN Caboose builders Plate. Peter Ferch Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 11 More Railfanning After the Rock Pile Museum, we headed to Donkey Creek Yard And the Junction. We caught this train, our only freight, heading east at the Power Plant.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 11 More Railfanning Action at Converse JCT on the Orin Line. There are 6 trains visible in this shot. Dave Poplawski Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 11 More Railfanning Southbound empties at the natural gas plant on the Orin sub. The doe has one (or maybe two) fawns in tow. Dave Poplawski Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 11 More Railfanning West of Gillette, we caught a loaded coal train in the big open Wyoming sky. Kent Charles Photo Rodney Black Photo
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Saturday June 11 More Railfanning My last train photo for Saturday was this westbound coal under clear Wyoming skies. Note Trigger the horse not batting an eye at the passing train.
Friends of the Burlington Northern RR Banquet The final event of the day and convention was the Banquet. The meal was very good, the company was great and the conversation lively. Will Cunningham, Manager of BNSF Coal Operations in Gillette, was the keynote speaker and talked about the BNSF and the Powder River Basin, present and future. Thank you, Will for a great presentation and tour of BNSF Gillette facilities. Whenever I see a necktie of the Fallen Flags of the BNRR I will think of you! With that, I bid my old and new friends farewell with a hope that our paths will cross again soon and that we may see each other next year in Amarillo, Texas for the 2012 FOBNRR convention. Gary Seymour Photo
On the way Home Sunday, June 12 UP & BNSF at Caballo Roja mine highway overpass. Dean Dickerhoof photo
Okay. I like BIG highway trucks, too so took some photos on this trip. On the way Home Sunday, June 12
What is this?! Answer A: Coal dust can cause the railroad roadbed to fail so we were helping the railroad remove coal dust at a road crossing culvert. Answer B: The BNRR ran the first unit coal train from PRB to Iowa Power in 1972, so my N scale Crandic RR needed some PRB coal for its run to Iowa. Rodney Black Photo What is this?! Answer A: Coal dust can cause the railroad roadbed to fail so we were helping the railroad remove coal dust at a road crossing culvert. Answer B: The BNRR ran the first unit coal train from PRB to Iowa Power in 1972, so my N scale Crandic RR needed some PRB coal for its run to Iowa. Rodney Black Photo On the way Home Sunday, June 12
Wyoming! Where the deer and the antelope play… Wyoming! On the way Home Sunday, June 12
Wyoming! Where the deer and the antelope play… Wyoming! On the way Home Sunday, June 12
At approximately 6:30pm on Sunday June 12, 2011, I arrived home in the Denver, CO area. Kent stayed overnight and then left early the next morning to continue home to Maricopa, AZ. From Denver, we had covered 1,393 miles on the trip to Gillette. Of the four days we were on the road, I think it rained all but two. I still managed to take over 280 photos. I think Rodney shot over 500 and I have no idea how many Kent and Dean took. All in all, it was a great trip… Overall Trip Notes: BUT IT IS GOOD TO BE HOME! The author Gittin-R-Done. Kent Charles Photo