Presidential Text Boxes J.F.K. was born in Brookline, M.A. on May 29 th His parents were Rose and Joseph P. Kennedy. J.F.K. was a WW2 navy soldier. On Aug. 1 st, 1943, he was deployed at the island of Tugalama, where he saved the lives of many soldiers despite a history of intense back pain. J.F.K. had a phenomenal school education. He attended Dexter Elementary school in He attended school to not disappoint his father. He also attended 3 high schools. J.F.K. and Jacqueline Bouvier got married on Sept.,12 th, 1953 in Newport Rhode island. They had 4 children named John Jr., Arabella, Patrick, and Caroline Kennedy. Childhood/ Education Birth and Early Childhood Early Adult Career Marriage and Children Date:
Presidential Text Boxes Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president in He served 2 terms because he was a superb president who was well liked by the public. Democrat J.F.K. became president on Jan. 20 th, He served only 2 years due to assassination. He also was the youngest president ever elected. N.A.S.A was started by J.F.K. because he wanted to learn about space. He also was the only president to win a Pulitzer Prize. J.F.K. went to Harvard College in 1935, one of the hardest colleges in the world. J.F.K. was in the House of Representatives from , and was a U.S. senator from The Cuban Missile Crisis began in 1962 when the soviets were trying to put nuclear weapons in Cuba. It ended when J.F.K. ordered the U.S. navy to surround Cuba, and the Soviets withdrew. President Before Leading to Presidency Presidency Milestone Date:
Presidential Text Boxes Lyndon B. Johnson was Kennedy’s vice president. He was married to Claudia Taylor. He was in WW2 and was in the U.S. navy briefly. He suffered a heart attack on July 2 nd 1955 as a result of a 60 cigarette per day habit!! J.F.K. was assassinated on Nov. 22 nd, 1963 at 12:30 P.M. in Dallas, Texas. At age 46, he was the youngest president to die. Two other people were injured in the shooting: Governor Connally, who was in the car with Kennedy, and James Tague; an innocent spectator. L.B.J. took office in 1963 after Kennedy's assassination. He served the remainder of Kennedy’s term with no vice president. L.B.J. was president when the first man landed on the moon, and during the Vietnam conflict. J.F.K.’s murderer was shot and killed 3 days later by a supporter of Kennedy Still today the J.F.K. assassination is one of the most controversial conspiracies in American history. Vice President Post Presidency President After Death/ Life after Death Date: